Saturday, July 10, 2010

Not A Dip, But A Swan Dive Off Of Niagara Falls Into a Dry River Bed

I was sitting here trying to find a way to wrap up the week and then, like a bolt of lightning, an idea hit me.  Gold expert Jim Sinclair sent me this story: “Federal Budget Deficit Hits $1 Trillion For 1st 9 Months Of FY’10.”  The story said, “The shortfall, reflecting $2.6 trillion in outlays for the first three quarters and $1.6 trillion in receipts, narrowed slightly compared with the same point in fiscal 2009.”  So where did the “shortfall” come from?  Try the more that 8 million who lost their jobs.  The story went on to say, “. . . individual income and payroll tax receipts were down 4% over the nine-month period, suggesting that wages and salaries have not improved to the extent that corporate profits have.” Corporate profits have “improved” because they laid-off all those workers!!  (Click here for the entire Dow Jones Newswires story)   
Sinclair says, “Nothing has changed. Nothing has been rescued. The can that is being kicked daily down the path is going to turn around and bite the kickers. 
Gold is the only insurance.” 
When things get bad enough, there will be more stimulus cash put into the economy and more bank bailouts.  Sinclair is like legendary football quarterback Joe Montana–never bet against either of them.
More Here..


  1. I like and respect Jim Sinclair, having read his opinions for some time. However, I now listen to him with caution. He did, as you may recall, guarantee that gold would "skyrocket" months ago, and it never moved. I still own precious metals, but the wild forecasts have worn me out.

  2. Oh - it moved allright !

    Down - about 40 bucks an ounce.

    it's time we all realize that most people have something to "sell"

    And; in typical salesmen's B.S. when a pitch doesn't exactly pan out; they allways, allways have backup pitch 2, 3 and 4 and 2 new stories & of course the ole bait and switch.

    Just like the last idiot on here that gave us the July 27 bullshit scenario - what a crock of sheep dip ! In a perfect world; people who make these outrageous comments would be made to put everything they have and are ever going to have on the line = then we'd see this kinda shit come to a schreeching halt.


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