Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Photoshop Techniques Used By BP To Deceive The Public

The latest curio in the ongoing exhibition of BP obfuscation comes via John Aravosis at AmericaBlog, who examined an image from BP's website and determined it to be a fake. The image depicts BP's "Command Center" in Houston, where ever-vigilant BP employees sit in a dark room, monitoring screens. BP's website has been running a photo in which three men appear to be watching a ten-screen display of oil-spill footage. Here's the thing: it's a Photoshop job. And not just a poor one -- a seemingly unnecessary one.
Here's the one BP was running:

And, via Max Read at Gawker, here's what this photo looked like, prior to the alteration.

Aravosis has about seven or eight detailed images which demonstrate the terrible masking job done by the photo-surrealist in charge of mocking up the image for public consumption. Naturally, BP has chosen to blame its photographer for the confusion. For any of you who are more gifted at faking photos, this represents a potential employment opportunity. (AmericaBlog also points out that the metadata on the photo indicates that the image in question was taken in March of 2001, which means either the photographer doesn't know how to use his camera, or BP is, as they say, "lying."

More Here..


  1. So the rat bastards use a photo with a date tag from 2001. I guess they need to hire a better "Doctor of Photos" who would be smart enough to save the image as a JEPG and strip out the data tags.

    So BP, how's it feel to get kicked in the balls again?

    You will not financially survive this, so go kill yourselves now!

  2. I wonder what the economist Ben Stein has to say about this?

  3. Wow big surprise


    Imagine that Corporations
    lying for money

  4. Drill for oil without fail safe machinery. √
    Continue to drill even after it proved to be unsafe. √
    Hid damages occurred before April 20, 2010. √
    Lie about the magnitude of the oil leak. √
    Lie about how the oil was coming from only the pipe. √
    Instill false hope about the containment. √
    Continue to lie to and deceive the public. √
    BP damage its credibility to such a degree with lies that you and I should quadruple check them overtime that they speak. √


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