
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Elite Turn Against Obama?

Even the Aspen Ideas Festival, an annual gathering of the country's brightest lights, isn't Obama country anymore. Lloyd Grove on the president's waning support among the intelligentsia.
You’d think the well-heeled and enlightened eggheads at the Aspen Ideas Festival—which is running all week in this fashionable resort town with heady panel discussions and earnest disquisitions involving all manner of deep thinkers and do-gooders—would be receptive to an intellectually ambitious president with big ideas of his own.
In a way, the folks attending this cerebral conclave pairing the Aspen Institute think tank with the Atlantic Monthly magazine might even be seen as President Obama’s natural base.
Apparently not so much.
“The real problem we have,” Mort Zuckerman said, “are some of the worst economic policies in place today that, in my judgment, go directly against the long-term interests of this country.
More Here..


  1. These high-brow idiots make me sick. They all assume to be smarter than the rest of us bottom feeders, but when something starts to affect them, they turn on whomever they originally backed. When the chaos starts, I will intentionally target them first. These freaks are easy to recognize: flabby bodies, soft hands, and off and running when they are in danger. I will shoot til my gun melts, stab til my knife breaks, and then smash skulls with rocks. Let's dance!

  2. The Bomb bomb Iran lobby meets at Aspen to set up and urges Obama to go to war for America .
    Well ,here we see the dual citizen lobby and royal family puppet oil Elites from the middle east meeting with the “intellectual”media and show business , property , bankster “ Who’s who” elite of America . Who naturally have their “think tanks” non - profit “Foundations “ and ideas on how to cultivate “public opinion” for how Obama should serve them best.
    Summers,Zuckerman,Bolton etc met with all the usual NeoCons lined up in a row with a glittering array of Americas show business “intellectuals” like Streisand adding intellectual weight too.
    Unity for setting an economic blockade or military attack on the Iranian oil competition now that BP (the once Anglo Iranian oil company ) has run into a spot of trouble with its profitability from Gulf Oil is of great importance. So, stressing to the Common interests and the need to form a unity of these various international cosmopolitan elites in the need for war against Iran was of course discussed too.
    The middle Eastern collection of Puppet Oil Emirates chimed in to claim a common interest with their masters ,inciting them to go into a “pre- emptive” war mode ,using the old non existant WMD threat as excuse in this case the claim that Iran might someday be a nuclear threat .
    “Ambassador to US reportedly says "we cannot live with a nuclear Iran."
    The United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States said Tuesday that it would be difficult to co-exist with a nuclear Iran and that it would support any actions the US took to prevent such a possibility The Washington Times reported.

    Ambassador Yousef al-Otaiba reportedly endorsed the military option if sanctions do not stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

    "I think it's a cost-benefit analysis," Otaiba said to an audience in Aspen, Colorado. "I think despite the large amount of trade we do with Iran, which is close to $12 billion … there will be consequences, there will be a backlash and there will be problems with people protesting and rioting and very unhappy that there is an outside force attacking a Muslim country; that is going to happen no matter what."..
    "They also know — and worry — that the Obama administration's policies will not stop Iran," he told The Times. Arab leaders, Mr. Bolton said, regard a pre-emptive strike as "the only alternative."
    Mr Bolton of course believes that patriotic americans should also pay the costs too!
    The internationa intelectual Elite plans and urges war for America. Get out your flags.
    But,war for Whose interests ??

  3. Note to self: be nice to 4:22 and DO NOT PISS HIM OFF.

  4. "The Obama Deception" video explains a lot:

    It also raises new questions.
    Like what to do about it.

  5. But Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize.

  6. The Obama deception is a lot of Hersey BS. Second, I did not for Obama, but it seems to me like pissing off the super richis a plus on the Obama side. The problem with these blogs and YouTube they have as much misinformation as the MSM

  7. I don't give a rat's ass what the super rich think. They are only interested in staying at the top of the food chain. They certainly aren't interested in how the rest of the country is struggling.


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