
Friday, July 30, 2010

Top Trader Warns Of Hyperinflation

"Trader Vic" Sperandeo is on CNBC describing the historical pattern for the onset of hyperinflation, and says the conditions for such a runaway inflation are now here in the US.

We're getting more familiar with these types of extreme forecasts as our economy drifts into unchartered territory. It seems market watchers are almost growing accustomed to hearing predictions about a coming hyperinflation or a looming deflationary depression.

Still, it should be noted that Sperandeo is a serious guy and a very serious researcher (my observations based on
reading his work and listening to his interviews). His knowledge of economic history and the nature of money creation and business cycles is profound. So while the forecasted event is an extreme and rare event, don't dismiss Vic as "just another scaremonger".

It is striking to note that while Vic is arguing his case for the likelihood of
hyperinflation, in effect the spiralling collapse of a society and an economy, he is interrupted by the CNBC girl who wants to know "what the trade is" in this scenario. Cable TV never ceases to amaze.
More Here..


  1. In the great depression nobody saw it coming. This depression will be remembered for so many having warned but still the government wouldn't listen. Let's just hope there is somebody left to remember it. By the way, anyone noticed there seem to be a lot of oil spills and chemical spills into waterways lately? And not just here in the US. Check out to get some idea of what I mean. Seems paranoid I know, but I'm really starting to wonder if there is some sort of plot to kill of the population. Each new spill in this tight time frame seems to me more like terrorism or some other attack and less like a bunch of coincidental accidents.

  2. Yes no surprise the moronic CNBC girl wants to know "what the trade is" in this scenario. Maybe he should have showed her the window ledge about 20 stories up that people leap off of to their death when they lose everything.


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