
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Truth On BP and The Cleanup

The logistics of the oil clean-up is being criticized because of the over-dependence on deepwater oil skimmer boats. No procedures are in place for using skimmers that can operate in shallower waters of 1 1/2 to 2 feet. There are a number of boats that could be used for shallow water skimming being tied up in port and not being used by BP.

Fishermen who have experience in rescuing sea turtles enmeshed in fishing nets are not being used in turtle rescue operations. In fact, they face arrest if they even touch an endangered turtle. Some 3,000 fisherman have remained idled by the oil disaster and most have not been hired by BP. Idled fishermen were told by BP that they would be called when their help was needed. However, later BP told them that many would probably never be called.

BP has hired an army of contractors and sub-contractors who are spending plenty of "flash money" to assuage some local businesses. However, WMR noticed while driving to Louisiana a large number of seafood distributors and restaurants that were shuttered.

Those hired by BP to clean up beaches and waters are not permitted to wear respirators and many are becoming sick, even coughing up blood. This editor, while driving to Venice, began to experience burning and watering eyes, a condition that lasted hours after returning to the west bank of New Orleans.

The disinformation being promulgated by BP is being accentuated by a number of local TV reporters being "embedded" with Coast Guard units in the waters off the coast and in the marshland and estuaries. Furthermore, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), accused by many local environmentalists and fishermen of being complicit in the cover-up of bad news, has issued a report claiming that tests of 600 fish caught in waters "near the edge of the oil" have proven negative for chemical toxins. Fishermen interviewed by WMR said the claim is ludicrous since there are no fish in the waters in the oil zone or near it.


  1. The cleanup which is impossible with dispersants,
    because it acts like soap.

    How do you clean your dish-washing water with soap and oil and get out the oil (and soap)?
    I normaly flush it, and put new water in there, if i need to do some more dish-washing (i do this manualy, because i don't have a dish washer.)

    Can we flush the ocean?
    (when did we build the ocean-sewer and sanitation?)

    Oh, and mixed dispersants with the oil is more toxic then oil or dispersants alone. (that's why there is no fish in the water near the oil, because next to the oil is a little bit of oil, mixed with dispersants, which directly attacks cells, and affects dna, so i have read, i might be wrong ofcourse)

    This are the 'by evidence' effects on marine life;

    Also see the Ted talk about that;

  2. And where are the gulf coast sheeple? Why are they not in the thousands/hundreds of thousands on the streets demanding answers from BP or the US govt? I just don't get it. When the Exxon Valdez dumped millions of gallons of oil, there were demonstrations, riots nationwide...

    The PTB have done an amazing job of dumbing down the sheeple, through tv, fluoride, food,_________________ (fill in the blank). Difficult to be optimistic there will ever be any kind of revolution (REAL CHANGE), peaceful or whatever.

    The sheeple will allow the govt to do anything without a whimper , multiple wars, banker bailouts, multiple police state laws enacted, Patriot Act, _____________(fill in the blank-again). Just wait till the govt enacts gun confiscation, there will be little or no resistance from the sheeple.

    It's absolutely unbelievable the gulf coast sheeple are allowing BP and the govt to poison them, through the air and water, destroying the gulf, THE GULF IS DEAD-DON'T YOU GET IT? And no one says anything....

    For those of us living in reality, I think it's time to run, there is no hope left here in the good ole usofa, NO HOPE!

  3. anderson cooper is in haiti hahaha
    he works for his masta well
    i could be fined and then runs away
    who ever gets thier news from msm is so stupid

    no one i know even wacthes it

    most people realize thier goverment is guilty of treason.
    and the dum southerners deserve
    this they dont even do anything thier leaders
    are fools
    we are so screwed
    i was going to florida with my family haha ha
    let obama go in the ocean
    screw you gulf dummies drink more floride

  4. people are dum go eat the fish ha ha ha

  5. I remember seeing a news clip where a MSNBC reporter was at the oil spill site where the platform went down and he was going to show us the oil on the surface. He put his camera in the water because it could not be seen on the surface then as the camera under the water also sees no oil he asks a "professional" next to him "where is the oil? How come I don't see any?" The pro said it appears in globs. Remember this is at the spill site! And you would think if the newsman is going to do a story wouldn't they be at the oil when they do their story! This to me shows their is something strange about this whole thing. Inconsistencies in reporting and reactions to the whole situation. It has all the earmarks of a scam. tarballs on the shoreline, oil slicks in the ocean. Is the oil coming from another area than the "official" leak? Is this controlled? I wonder.. If things were consistant than I would say yes I believe this. But after 9/11 I don't trust these people..

  6. BP spill video


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