
Saturday, July 10, 2010


Under the guise of the “war on drugs” the U.S. Military is evacuating its ships and hardware from the Gulf of Mexico to safety off the sheltered coast of Costa Rica.

The “war on drugs” cover story is laughable being that we can’t even get that level of engagement on our border with Mexico where all the drugs come through.

The Navy is obviously worried about either poison from the methane/corexit 9500 mix or a massive methane explosion/tsunami. A tsunami fits with the NOAA blackout of the U.S. tsunami warning system. It also explains why BP is not actively cleaning up the oil on the beaches. Why clean them up if they are going to be gone.

On the 2nd July 2010 the Costa Rica Congress authorized the entry of 46 U.S. warships capable of carrying 200 helicopters and warplanes, plus 7,000 U.S. Marines “who may circulate the country in uniform without any restrictions” , plus submarine killer ships to the Costa Rican coast for “anti-narcotics operations and humanitarian missions between 1st July 2010 until 31st December 2010.

With this kind of nation destroying firepower, it gives real meaning to the expression “war on drugs”, but if this a real six month “war on drugs” we should expect to see some fantastic results, right?

Politicians representing the Acción Ciudadana (PAC), the Unidad Social Cristiana (PUSC) and the Frente Amplio (FA) political parties opposed the measure saying that the destructive force of the ships, helicopters and 7,000 US Marines is “disproportionate for the fight against drug trafficking.”


  1. Very insightful - as usual! Thanks for posting.

  2. the government tells us the beach is fine. go swim in it. yet they themselves are evacuating.

  3. This is a sensationalist story that is being passed around. It is NOT true. A request to have the Navy in Costa Rica doesn't make it happen. Firstly, we do not have that many "warships" in the Gulf. We have checked with our close Navy contacts and researched this rumor and find that not only is it not true, but those figures would not add up if it were. has a complete deployment listing, and you can see for yourself the story isn't factual.
    Please PM me if you would like further details.

  4. I feel sorry for all those Gulf folks who will need lung transplants.

  5. Many Americans live in Costa Rico. Network among friends until you find a contact and ask them whether there are military men and ships there.

  6. I love these conspiracy theories. Costa Rica separates south america from the US over a small contained area where we can effectively stop the flow of drugs working their way through Mexico to combat the Mexican drug lords and violence that threatens the US. The US is already effective here and they just plan to step up efforts. Its a great idea.

  7. fighting the "War on Drugs" in Costa Rica of ALL FRIGGING PLACES is the most IGNORANT comment that one could make right now...


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