
Friday, July 2, 2010

USDA Reports Food Shortages: Wall Street 'Caught Off Guard' by Severity

Several recent headlines indicate that food prices will continue their swift climb upward. These troubling new reports show that agriculture production and stored grains are critically low and experts are now predicting food shortages.

Look at a few of today's mainstream headlines: 
Drought threatens global rice supply in the India TimesVA farmers say heat taking toll on crops, Associated PressSevere food shortage follows lack of rainfall in Syria; and, finally, Corn prices bolt as USDA downsizes crop estimates, which states that, "Commodity professionals were caught off guard Wednesday by a U.S. Department of Agriculture report showing 1 million fewer acres of corn planted this year than earlier projected, and almost 300 million fewer bushels of corn in storage." And these articles don't begin to address crops being damaged by the toxic rain from the Gulf oil disaster.

We are back to recession economics and rapidly heading toward a deeper, longer “
Third Depression.”  With all recent economic indicators setting new record lows and deficits at record highs, this ship is only going one way folks, down, down to Chinatown.  This WTC-Building 7-style-controlled-demolition of the U.S. economy has long been engineered by the borderless banksters and will likely continue to collapse at the rate of free-fall gravity.  With all of the manufactured confusion it may be difficult to know where best to invest your limited assets, but it seems to be clear that Food is on the march..

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Expired Unemployment Benefits Causing Panic, Desperation: 'I'm Drowning Fast'
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  1. Who needs food when you have "Hope and Change"!!!!

    I think the Federal government should micromanage food production in this country anyway. Obama has proven that he and his lackeys can do everything better than the private sector anyway.

  2. Actually used to read another blog that had the #s coming from the USDA ANNNNNDDD the 3's of government stored food...Simple basic staples like corn, rice, cooking oil, soybean etc etc and it's like some sci-fi evil cabal movie.

    Everything and anything that could put us on a road to anarchy and chaos was done...Nothing was stored...What we had stored was sold, dumped or donated away.

    We literally are 3 days from food running out in ANY major city except in the midwest...Remember most of your population is on the coast...So any break in transportation, currency system means the warehouses don't get supplied which means they won't be able to resupply the stores etc etc.

    I mean for example...After the LA riots most stores never went back and rebuilt...So imagine food just stopped for even a week?...It's the same in most major ghetto and poor neighborhoods all throughout the nation...ALMOST 300,000,000 mouths to feed in the US...Imagine the hoarding and panic...Brothers and sisters we are living in "Interesting Times."

  3. Add to this the fact that commodity prices are controlled by the stock market and have nothing to do with reality. When wheat and rice prices shot up, people starved. Then the prices suddenly went down--all for no reason. Same thing happened with oil (remember when it was $80 a barrel?)

    The only solution is to plant a garden or buy in bulk at farmers' markets. Then can, freeze, or dehydrate everything for storage.

  4. If there's less corn, maybe there'll be less "high-fructose corn syrup" that is made with mercury. A silver lining.

  5. high-fructose corn syrup made with mercury!!! Are you really that stupid? Can you be so gullible? HFCS is sugar pure and simple. It is a little cheaper then sugar from cane or beets and because it is usually available in a syrup form it is easier for food producers to use and that is why it is popular. Your body turns all sugar and all carbohydrates into glucose no matter what it's original source or form was. Without glucose you would die. HFCS is not poison and won't harm you anymore then table sugar will harm you.

  6. LOL. 'Please email me any insane remarks about my person'

  7. That garden is gonna work out real well this year with the Corexit 9500 rains.

    Bread basket is empty.

    Mass death.

  8. yummmmmmmmmmmm corexit!

  9. In regard to food price inflation and world food shortages. It is good to remember to be careful what you wish for!You may get what you wished for.
    The Americans have tried to enforce and demanded a revaluation of the Chinese Yuan.
    Any significant revaluation of the Chinese Yuan upwards will mean reduced buying power for Americans using dollars ,but increased buying power for more than a billion Chinese to compete with Americans in the world food markets.
    Monetary inflation is the worst enemy of people straited in their means. For as prices go up, and the value of savings and the dollar goes down, the people hardest hit are the comparatively poor that have run out of credit.
    The multinationals dominating the food industry worldwide will sell wherever the best profits can be got. That is just another of the benefits of free trade capitalism and casino capitalist price manipulation of commodity markets in recent Ponzi US capitalism.
    The capitalist freedom "ideas" that Americans love so much ,that they are even prepared to bail out and pay for the bad bet losses of derivative traders hedgies and banksters manipulating commodity food prices ,even if they have to eat pig food as the end result of the American dream.
    Now they will now have to pay for these bailouts with “Austerity” and with perhaps millions of Americans having employment benefits cut off soon, they will be reduced to buying food with food stamps ,all that they may soon be able to afford with food stamps as new perhaps homeless tent city “New Third World people”, may be low quality pig food as the best American grains and meat are sent to those better of section of the Chinese who can afford to eat ‘american” big macs!
    While 40 Millions of Americans are already living on food stamps.
    Enjoy! Enjoy your pig food "Meal"!

    “One of the biggest growing companies in China, is McDonalds. The firm expects to have more than 2000 stores in mainland China by the end of 2013 and 1300 at the end of 2010,
    See :

  10. P.S.
    Under the free trade regime American and Europeans taxpayers will continue to subsisise their agricultural food exports including for so called food Aid .
    These subsidies worked very well for american profits and provided cheap food for americans in the past, but destroyed the markets and food security of many third world peoples.
    Well fed overweight americans 'supersizing"cared little about that as they will care little about americans on food stamps in the future.

  11. The saturated fat scam: What’s the real story?
    The “Coca Cola conspiracy” and the obesity epidemic
    More lite food consumed in the diet but somehow people are getting more obese!
    Intro paragraphs..
    In the late 1960′s the US, through conventional hybridization techniques, succeeded in creating new types of corn, dramatically increasing yield per acre by reducing the space required per plant as well as increasing the number of ears per stalk. This development was seen as a phenomenal opportunity for the nation with the world’s greatest capacity of corn production. All that was needed was a way to increase demand for corn. Although shifting the Western diet to grits was not likely there were other options.
    Corn fed hogs and Chicken would now become less expensive to produce in confined animal feeding operations which would later proliferate. But due to the inherent inefficiency of converting grain calories into animal calories the development of processed foods that use corn itself and not animal products would be far more profitable than selling pork or chicken.
    Corn syrup and corn syrup solids had seen their uses multiply under the post WWII “better living through chemistry” paradigm. Now they would also be much cheaper to produce. In 1973, Richard Nixon’s Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, altered US farm policy to permanently subsidize the increased production of corn, opening a new era in which corn-based processed foods would become far cheaper than their rivals. The convenience and fast food industries were poised to take off. Soft drinks that cost pennies to produce could be marketed at phenomenal profit. Corn derivatives would find their way into virtually every processed food..
    More @

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