
Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Elite Plan: Welcome to the Unpossible Future... The AGI Manhattan Project

The world keeps getting crazier and crazier, at an accelerating rate, and we haven't seen anything yet. At a glance it all appears to be impossible. Impossible to happen, yet even more impossible to stop. Unpossible because it promises to undo every notion that we know about this world and the future of the human species. Here you will find answers and truths that explain it, and cannot be found anywhere else. Here you will find the why of it all, and even the solutions to undo this dystopian technological agenda.
The push for near-trillion dollar military budgets to fight "terrorists", as if they're beyond the scope of the Soviet Union, doesn't make much sense. Neither does the extreme global warming related proposals, such as a global government and a global carbon tax which would cost trillions and therefore promises to bankrupt what's left of the worlds economy, while doing little to actually solve the perceived problem. All this push, while the premises of each issue is highly debatable. That's the truth that the advocates pushing for either issue doesn't want to admit.
Google was the primary institution behind the Singularity University, which is no surprise considering Google's co-founders have repeatedly stated on the record that they intend to develop AI that in their words "would be like the mind of God", which by default would be AGI. AGI is in effect the first sentence on their corporate philosophy page.
Their mission statement is to gather and organize all of the worlds information (literally all of it), and their statements are for their machine to understand all it it better than you or I ever could. This includes every book, scientific paper, web page, email, instant message, news & magazine article,      ever written by humans that they can manage to get their hands on. It also includes images, user made videos (not even only those posted on YouTube), every movie and TV show ever recorded. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Fascinating article, really puts things in an organized perspective. I am aware of many of the issues discussed, however, this article really tells it like it is.

    Unfortunately, the sheeple slave units will not read the article or watch the videos, as I find most of my sheeple slave friends and family have a very short attention span. The only way to avoid what is coming and/or what has already happened is to get the hell out of dodge, if only I could afford it, I would be off to an undisclosed location in South America.

    So stock up on food and ammo, there are a few of us who will fight to the end.

    We are in big trouble folks!

  3. Comment number 1 was skipped over as soon as I saw the god comments, I immediately skip over those and cursing comments, ea please remove the religious stuff from this blog, it is making people not want to donate and read the site.

  4. I wish I had a chance to see that first comment. Anonymous 1:23, your comment had nothing to do with the article your comment should also be removed.

    From the article:
    Google's co-founders have repeatedly stated on the record that they intend to develop AI that in their words "would be like the mind of God".

    I guess talking about this part is also not allowed.

  5. if I stated you are a god would that entitle it to be religious? No. Use your head're twisting the "theme".

  6. The author of the article that EA linked to is an anti-tech nut job. If that author took the time to actually school himself on AI research, he'd know that this and similar technologies offer humanity the ONLY chance to finally defeat the global elites that dominate our society.

    Take the nanofactory for instance. In about twenty years we will have the knowledge to create any product from the ground up for the cost of raw materials. This is essentially the star trek replicator. What do you think this would do to the fractional reserve hydra, to notions of money, debt and credit. It would destroy it. Not right away, but as soon as people saw an alternative to wage slavery, they'd be on board.

    That said. The elites will not give up their power voluntarily. There will be war. In any case, these technolgies will force the issue. No amount of denial concerning the existence of elites and the unfair treatment of the masses can exist in such an environment. All because of the accelerating rate of technological change. There will be open debate and real consequences. No more MSM lies and message boards with people complaining but offering no real solutions.

    Some sources if you think this is BS.

  7. Unfortunately 10:05, no amount of technology changes people.

    Humans have not changed once in history - a species is a species. While ideologies come and go, then come back later, people will only mold themselves into their environments (bits and pieces of). Geniuses are as rare today as before, and mindless idiots are as common as ever. While people can now read about the Global Elites, they can also be duped into believing such things that might not be real.

    Look at the amount of garbage that floods the net, most people's brains are cocky. In the last 20 years things have deteriorated so badly and yet, the establishment is getting stronger!

    Awakening? No. Human Progress? No. Technology transforms mankind? No. Technology is making us worse? No. One's intellectual pursuits, endlessly swaying back and forth with conceptual contradictions is a waste of time? Yes.

    On a personal note; I hate the internet, but I hate even more those Eugenicists that made Google.

  8. “The author of the article that EA linked to is an anti-tech nut job. If that author took the time to actually school himself on AI research, he'd know that this and similar technologies offer humanity the ONLY chance to finally defeat the global elites that dominate our society.”
    Seems to me the “anti-tech Nut job” links to and studies lots of stuff for his research.
    But, you live in technological d ream play world of games and virtual reality
    divorced from the real world . And want others to appreciate the beauties of your de-humanised pure tech world and nano –technological hopes .
    While anybody paying attention to the actual plans for the uses of AI intelligence
    technology in the hands of its billionaire owning elite and what they actually say , how they actually conspire to use that technology in the concrete real world, must be some sort of an anti-tech nut job conspiracy theorist . Most real world things need for life in todays world ,food, clothing ,clean water, and shelter for their needs do not need to be made by nano –technology ordinary technology would be good enough not star trek duplicators ,thank you techno-freak.
    Its a matter not only of production but distribution of wealth.Its a question of what classes or how society controls the AI industry , how technology is really being used to 'do Gods work”that is important. ",
    For example GS using computerised algorithms to front run the stock markets at the expense of their own clients and millions who are robbed of their investments.
    Since the development of the factory system of mass production all sorts of benefits to ordinary people from automation and computerised robotism were promised by capitalism. We should if what was promised came true, all have become rich and with nothing to do by now, except play with computer games by now.
    The technology already exists but wealth distribution is controlled by elites and artificial scarcities.
    Instead millions are unemployed and begging for work in the rich First world and the majority of people are forced to subsist on a couple of bucks a day.
    The “nut job” connects the dots on how the rich elite like Gates have Malthusian/technological dreams of a Eugenic utopia for their own superior class and tribes benefit
    How else can the Gates comments on creating vaccines for the third world peoples be understood by those of us not techno nuts but plans for mass Murder?
    Well how do you understand those statements Techno-dreamer apologist ?
    Go back to your computer games and to serving your beloved technological Elite,it will be game over in the real world before you are even aware what game is actually being played.

  9. I think you sort of miss the point 10:05, what you said is more or less what the article said. Yes the tech would be enormously beneficial for humanity, that's why the elites want it all for themselves, they want exclusive control of it.

    The point of the article was not to say we should not develop this sort of technology, or at least that's not what I got out of it anyway.

  10. 10:05, look who controls the technology. Do you think those who are in control, those with highly vested interests, are just going to release that control and empower everyone? Are you that naive? Did you even read the article?

  11. The tech has so much potential that it would force people to see better possiblities for themselves. No amount of spin or propaganda could hide this from the public. It will have to get to a point where it's black and white. Only then will the public's denial and inertia be overcome and we can see genuine change.

    What would happen if we relinquised research into these technologies?

    The fractional reserve hydra would continue to dominate our lives. Bilderburg plans on consolidation of the world financial markets and asstes would continue. The fluoride and GMOs would continue. Sports and celebrity gossip brainwashing would continue. Etc.

    The only way it will all stop when nanofactories, radical life extension, genetic enhancement become reality. Only then will the public be shaken awake and the wars will begin.

    The nutjob conveniently leaves out the benefits such technology could have. He claims everything related to this tech is NWO.

    The accelerating pace of technology will produce inventions like the nanofactory that will finally stop the fractional reserve banking system and the accompanying control paradigms of debt and credit. Nanorobotics hold the potential for cures for cancer and heart disease. Real cures, not eat your own weight in almonds bullshit. Advances in robotics could eliminate the need to spend 40 hours a week at jobs we hate, instead devoting that time to spend with family and trying to better ourselves. Genetic engineering could eliminate mental illness and disorders like ALS and autism.

    Do you want to die of cancers or heart disease?

    Would you like dying after 80-90 years nomatter how well you take care of yourself?

    Does it bother you that billions of people live in desperate poverty so sociopathic contol freaks that run the fractional reserve banking system can feel good about themselves?

    Do you enjoy slaving away 40 plus hours a week to make your credit card payments and feed your family?

    Does it get you off when people suffer from Parkinsons and Lou Gehrig's disease?

    Do you love getting fluoride in your water and lies from your politicians?

    None of the above will ever change without massive advances in technology. Only then, will the public be motivated enough, no, FORCED to admit these things are bullshit and unnecessary. Only then can we see change. But no, according to you we should relinquish all such research into nanotech, AI and genetic engineering.

    Without these technologies, not a goddamn thing will change. We all know it. With them, at least we've got a possibility.

    The article advocates relinquishment. It's very clear by the author's tone. We should accept our station in life. We should eat shit and like it.

    No thanks.

  12. I never said the elites won't try to get it all. But you see at that point it becomes obvious to everyone how screwed up the system is. You then get a french revolution scenario where the people are forced to do something. These technolgies will provide the impetus for the sheeple to get off their asses and do something. If these technologies aren't developed, the public will remain brainwashed until the elites have their security grid completed and start killing off excess populations. If that happens, it's over. Without these technolgies forcing people to see reality and drawing a line in the sand, that's exactly what will happen.

  13. Enjoyed the article,
    However, I feel that there will be a time during the beginning stages of this AI, that it can be harnessed for real progress and use by the general masses armed with the know how to make it useful for things that allow the most lives to be touched by it. It always seems that as the S curve is fulfilled there will be a time when major powers consolidate these technologies and make them so immensely efficient that we will see the noose tighten around them and they will harness the true power for themselves once developed openly. I forsee these things taking longer than this article gives them credence. Technology is obviously changing at a ferocious pace, however, this kind of change is still bound by the resources that are allocated to it, and the free market having the chance to utilize these concepts is the quickest way human kind can accomplish progress. Not through government overallocation into this area.

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