
Monday, July 26, 2010

Winning Letter Says Disaster to Begin Monday

Crawford -- along with other astrologers, who however are merely worried about nuclear war, the end of the world etc. -- is impressed with an imminent unusual alignment that apparently involves five key planets.
He writes: "Astrologers call it the 'Cardinal Climax.' It is considered to be the most powerful and important planetary alignment of the modern era. Perhaps it heralds the beginning of the real 'Aquarian Age' or the end of the 'Mayan Calendar.' (After all, what's a few months in a 25,600-year cycle?) These energies actually maximize from July 30 through August 3. There have been 'shadows' preceding and will be echoes afterwards for quite some time."
Crawford adds: "This huge alignment will be followed by a Full Moon on the Fall Equinox and a Lunar Eclipse on the Winter Solstice. We expect the depth and scope of dislocations during this period to exceed anything we have ever witnessed, both in otherwise civilized interaction among nations, and likely our fill in natural disasters."
"We continue to recommend extreme caution and proper emergency measures such as extra food, water, medicines and cash over the next 24 months in particular. Do NOT wait any longer!!"
Let the record, show, however, that Crawford's last issue also repeatedly allowed for what it described as "some attempts to correct an oversold market sometime in July." 


  1. It doesn't take a genius, or an astrologer to figure out what's going on in the world. Maybe the sheeple slaves will listen to an astrologer?

    Those of us living in reality have known what is coming for years now, thanks to this blog and others. Wake up sheeple, or your going to get caught with your pants down, or in a FEMA camp.

  2. The signs in the sky are overshadowed by the SIGNS by the signs on the ground like States running out of money, stores closing, banks closing, and I am hearing of more and more pulling their money out of the bank.

  3. Oh my - where is the " in the next 63 days your gonna see it happen - by July 28th "

    Yeah right pal - well guess what ---------

    Lookin' like a pretty normal day here in paradise to me.

    Think I'll go for a jog and enjoy the scenery before it explodes


  4. Sorry Crawford, but I as a Gnostic have to let the public know what you don't.

    There are actually two Mayan Calendar's that "End"; one is on December 21st, 2012, which actually restarts and has happened over and over again (every 26,000 years) - The Precession of the Equinox.

    The one that ends and does not reset is a 16 billion year one which holds nine distinct time frames. The end of the ninth is October 28th, 2011 and it begins Debruary 13th, 2011.

    The time frames for each (roughly):

    - 16 Billion
    - 800 million
    - 40 million
    - 2 million
    - 104,000 B.C.E
    - Circa 6,000 B.C.E
    - 1700s
    - 1999
    - 2-13-2011 - 10-28-2011

    How the Mayans were aware of these time periods beats anyone (for now). Fact is they did, how? People from the future came and told them? Extraterrestrials? Highly advanced meditations or knowledge of consciousness that we don't know today? Could they read something in the Earth or had an extra sense that we lost? Whatever it was it had nothing to do with astronomical phenomenon that the other one did (2012).

    I speculate that astrology and other spiritual practices have been severed from us, leaving us extremely limited. If the ending of the ninth cycle might bring about some kind of cosmic/collective energetic increase we might develop a direct connection to existence (consciously) and become individually sustainable microcosms that can generate and regenerate on their own. This in turn would reconnect us with things we mistaken ourselves as using now that actually doesn't work or work efficiently (i.e astrology, channeling, telepathy, self-healing, matrix siphoning, etc.) When that happens then we will REALLY be able to use astrology and know what the universe is doing.

    As far as getting there, this entire planet would naturally get more chaotic. Fifth Dimensional frequencies (Blank Slate or Maximal Chaos) would be necessary to uproot the entire foundation of the Superconsciousness. All "lesser kingdoms" will be stripped of their life-force (beliefs, concepts, religions, science, groups, authorities, experts, etc.) As these dissipate or lose their "realness" more and more would start plugging into this direct connection with Divinity/Tao/God. It will be stronger than ever before; no longer will it take 40 years of meditation to grasp. It will be born within us and manifested near-instantly.

    If none of that explains what is happening and it's just a bunch of nonsense then we are simply at the heals of incompetent idiots who are costing us our future.

  5. this is a stupid article, what is a winning letter, this is a bad article

  6. Bloggers Beware

  7. gezee this stuff is what you'd get from that Coast to Coast radio show. You know the ones that have breakfast with big foot and get abducted by space aliens on a daily basis.

    Anybody with any scientific knowledge knows this planet will disintegrate, in about 5 or 6 "billion" years,think your "prepared" for that rof.

    Anyway interesting reading on this site

  8. I have a lot of friends who are paranormal researchers, scholars, and world-renowned astrologers. They've been telling me for a while that the signs are very ominous. The period to worry about starts soon and continues through the first 10 days of August.

    However, they cannot tell me what is going to happen. I have heard guesses from a stock market crash to California earthquakes.

    Meanwhile, the economy continues to tank. Just spent the morning at the Monday flea market (buying silver jewelry as a hedge). The dealers say business is terrible and people aren't spending.

  9. People have been predicting the second half of 2010 for awhile now. I guess we're pretty much right there now.

    I don't think anything will happen though. Nothing new anyway. We will continue our slow pathetic decline is all.

    Either that or it'll be something crazy like the Gog and Magog people swarming haha.

  10. 525 is shortsighted, we have our navy off the coast of venezuela, iran and north korea right now, ww3 will start very soon.

  11. WW3 is our only hope of recovering, so if you're right that's a good thing. I'd imagine China would be a target though, considering they own so much US debt.

    We will see.

  12. The Chinese ,Russians ,Iran,and third world countries have already nuked the dollar hegemony backed US Empire. Countries like Venezuela and Brazil are joining them
    in a united front world trading system, bartering their products, industrial commodity goods in exchange for oil and other natural resources trading in their own currencies ,without reference to the US dollar .
    The once great industrial power US turned into a great Ponzi whose principle export was dud financial products to the rest of the world .
    Its finance sector is now banrupt dependent on handouts and bailouts of overprinted dollars. And in no condition to go to war either financially or industrially.
    The US de-industrialised services based economy is now dependent in its day to day life on imported goods from other countries China in particular .
    The Chinese even provide parts of US military uniforms. If the US attacks China the American people and its army will soon look like a gambler that has even lost his shirt! I have read that even some of the small round ammunition the US military uses is often ‘made in china”?
    The US needs the Chinese to invest in US treasuries to prop up the strength of
    US dollar with vendor finance. Without that Chinese finance US treasury bonds interest would go sky high.
    But the Chinese economy with its big state owned sector can easily reorganised without the US export markets and has plenty of spare production capacity.
    The US empire could invade a weak Iraq to seize oil assets for the US, ,for the strategic interests of its middle eastern puppet ally , and to defend the dollar hegemony pricing of oil in dollars when Saddam Hussein started selling Iraqi oil in Euros not dollars.
    The US has individual servicemen who may even fight heroically but the US itself is cowardly and weak nobody much wants to die for the system and it lives in fear of large casualties in its military in any war. The US since WW2 never invades a strong country capable of fighting back. Only poor peasant countries like Korea and Vietnam and it loses anyway against peoples wars for independence.
    It only invaded Iraq when US/UN inspector spies assured the US that WMD did not exist and the Iraqi army with its worn out outdated tanks could not effectively defend Iraq against more modern tanks armed with armour piercing depleted Uranium tipped shells , cruise missiles etc.
    After years of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan the mighty US military and its private war contractors are stuck in a quagmire and cannot even secure regime change governments capable of standing on their own feet .
    But ,nuclear missile armed China ,would match a bomb on shanghai with a bomb on NY if attacked and neither would be piddly Hiroshima size bombs.
    Even non nuclear armed Iran would be no military walkover for the US. Its aircraft carriers could be taken out in asymmetric warfare by small Iranian speedboats with small armour piercing heat producing weapons to cook the crews. Iran recently claimed it has 100 small boats for every big US ship. The price of oil if the Persian gulf is closed by war will rocket to a probable $500 dollars a barrel bringing Americans to their economic knees.
    So what about a land invasion ?
    Americans and MSM propagandists may kid themselves that Iranians would greet American military invader judeo/Christian ‘liberators” with open arms as the kidded themselves in Iraq.
    But the real world is different from Neo-con propaganda.
    More than a million Iraqis showed they were prepared to die to protect their Islamic revolutionary country when the US backed Saddam let loose the dogs of war and
    invaded Iran.
    The Iranians say they are ready to kick US or Israeli butt anytime they are stupid enough to attack their peacefully country.
    Sort of like the Iranian version of “go ahead punk .Make my day!”


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