
Monday, July 5, 2010

With the US Trapped in Depression, This Really is Starting to Feel Like 1932

"Home sales are down. Retail sales are down. Factory orders in May suffered their biggest tumble since March of last year. So what are we doing about it? Less than nothing," he said.
California is tightening faster than Greece. State workers have seen a 14pc fall in earnings this year due to forced furloughs. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is cutting pay for 200,000 state workers to the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour to cover his $19bn (£15bn) deficit.
Can Illinois be far behind? The state has a deficit of $12bn and is $5bn in arrears to schools, nursing homes, child care centres, and prisons. "It is getting worse every single day," said state comptroller Daniel Hynes. "We are not paying bills for absolutely essential services. That is obscene."
Roughly a million Americans have dropped out of the jobs market altogether over the past two months. That is the only reason why the headline unemployment rate is not exploding to a post-war high.
Let us be honest. The US is still trapped in depression a full 18 months into zero interest rates, quantitative easing (QE), and fiscal stimulus that has pushed the budget deficit above 10pc of GDP.
More Here..


  1. Perhaps now it's time to re-title this blog.

  2. Folks, this economic situation has routinely been referred to as a "Depression" in previous years. That is. the economy and wages are depressed or held lower. This usually occurs because of over capacity in markets. The ability to produce more than consumers can purchase because of limits on lending set in place by creditors.

    Inflation of money supplies and grossly relaxed lending practices are also thrown into the mix. Sometimes these "boom and bust" periods are referred to as business cycles.

    These cycles may become so excessive that world economies permanently collapse and nations lose their status as superpowers. Earlier centuries bring to mind, Greece, Rome, Spain, Great Britain, The Soviet Union and a host of others.

    But hey, it's more comforting to believe this has occurred through a grand conspiracy rather rather than short sighted greed and arrogance.

  3. So I'm at a 4th of July celebration at a park in Modesto...Thousands of people milling around because they're going to hold fireworks after the minor league game on July 3rd.

    There's a starving pit bull puppy about 5-6 weeks old...When I say starving I mean starving...Ribs sticking out...Panting...Waiting to die...It's 104 or so and when I get there people are just looking at it...No one is giving it water or a lil food...The puppy could barely lift it's head...I went grabbed a towel from the car and took it home...Fuck the tickets...We went got it some goat's milk and let it rest in our bathroom and now it's at a place to recoup.

    Here's my point: WTF were all these patriotic Amricans doing for this hungry, sick, thirsty lil dog?...Even a mercy shot would have been ok...But they just walked past the lil dog like he was nothing...HUNDREDS of people...With their American flags and USA t-shirts...Not a bowl of water as the dog was dying...Dehydrated and shivering in the heat.

    Right then and there I lost my love/respect for people...When the times get hard I really have no pity for Ameicans who talk a big game, about what good people they are and how they can't understand why people dislike them.

    They're were no better than others aound the world that mistreat their animals...I'm not talking as some PETA fanatic, I'm talking about human decency some Christian spirit...The sheeple did not want to help the lil pup because no one else was helping the lil pup...It was a herd mentality and NO ONE stood up among the hundreds that saw the pup.

    They disgust me and one day times will get bad they'll sow what they reap...Too many of us Americans are asleep...Too many of us are followers...Too many of us are hypocrites about how "Good" we are but have no "fruits" to show for it.

    Let the hard times come...Let the chaff be seperated from the wheat.

  4. I hope every left wing; bleeding heart, tree hugging, panda bear smooching liberal in the world reads this article in it's entirety and comments; because I have been telling you people who drink the milk but are afraid to squeeze the teat and shovel the shit for over a year now ---

    All these entitlements have bankrupted this country and even now these dumb asses don't want to curb spending ! Even as the states are facing bankrupcy themselves. they look to borrow, to put off, to offer more munis

    Even now

    Prisons ! I got a good one for you liberal my shit don't stink crowd - put the scum sucking bastards to work ! ALL OF THEM ! Pick apples, paint houses, whatever. These friggin' bums get a free ride on my dime ! what a deal - what lunacy. But oh no ! they have rights !

    Fully 50% of the people in this country have totally lost touch with reality in life - they are all about owning a Beemer, drinking 6buck lattes and Gucci

    They are going to find out soon -

  5. 11:01 AM
    Thanks for taking care of that lil dog, I would have helped him also.

    As for human decency there isnt any!

  6. 11:01 - Thank you for your kind act and doing the right thing. You actions are like those of the Good Samaritan and speak volumes of your humanity. We need many more Americans (and human beings) like you. God bless.

  7. There are still good people in the saving that little pup,:you proved it.....thank you

  8. Thank you for saving the Pit Pup. I own a Pit
    bull and she is the loyalest, intelligent and
    loving dog I have ever owned. Pit bulls have a
    long and famous history in The U.S.A. Little rascals - Pete the Pup. Buster brown dog,and
    the RCA mascot. There was even one that was honored for bravery during WWI. They are brave,
    and unwavering in their desire to please
    people.You have found yourself a loyal friend
    for life.

  9. 11:01 a.m, I've seen the same thing, and in fact cruelty to animals is why I'm so angry and why I hate 99 percent of humanity. I walk around with a perpetual scowl and hatred in my heart. Now and then I try to start over and see the good in people, but I always end up even angrier. My energy goes toward helping animals, and that's it. I could give a shit about the Red Cross, UNICEF, Save the Children. They can go to hell.

  10. @3:43PM......

    Yeah, real loving pooches those cute pit bulls. About every other day I hear of another person/kid/elderly/whathaveyou getting mauled/disfigured/maimed/killed by these sweet little SOB's. Why they are treated with kid gloves by the authorities I have no idea but perhaps it has something to do with extreme stupidity.

    I always roll my eyes when I hear this crap from only one side of the nice doggy coin. The bad part is that the other side of the coin is your loyal admiration for a breed that likes to bite the hell out of people in spades in 'defense' of their owner.

    They're for the most part vicious little bastards that should be shot on sight with few exceptions as they're now a proven in-bred menance to society - but hey they're one hell of a friend to gang bangers I'll give you that.

    (I'll be amazed if this gets posted.)

  11. 11:01 - Thank you for your kind act and doing the right thing. You actions are like those of the Good Samaritan and speak volumes of your humanity. We need many more Americans (and human beings) like you. God bless.
    This atheist asks .
    Was Jesus said to be talking about a dog?
    But then he wasnt a modern american was he ?
    And may have had a different value system than indiviualist "Judeo - Christian" America.
    But, Yes ,saving an individual poor puppy makes us feel like the sole remaining a "human" .jusifying self praise for the decency of a well fed american who can afford to treat a dog kindly.
    yet somehow this same 'decency" becomes a self justification for hating the 99% of other humans too .
    Anonymous said...
    11:01 a.m, I've seen the same thing, and in fact cruelty to animals is why I'm so angry and why I hate 99 percent of humanity. I walk around with a perpetual scowl and hatred in my heart. Now and then I try to start over and see the good in people, but I always end up even angrier. My energy goes toward helping animals, and that's it. I could give a shit about the Red Cross, UNICEF, Save the Children. They can go to hell.
    No good casting pearls to swine?
    Alienation from your own species!
    Hope they suffer enlarge the prisons.etc Etc
    But ,not a word of sympathy for the living condition of your own species and its children.
    A world where the majority of the worlds people must subsist on less than a couple of dollars a day.Because of a cheap labour system and wealth istribution system imposed by rich well fed countries on the third world.
    Where malnutrition for billions of children with ribs sticking out like that puppy ,
    and distended bellies is the norm ,while people in the rich world spend more than that everyday on their pets just to feel like a "decent" loved master and a 'humanitarian" to boot.
    The poor puppy for aquiring such a self centered "human" for a master!
    'God bless America"

  12. It was a Pit Bull than nearly killed my Miniature Pincer as we walked in the park.

    I've been out of work for 2 years and I had to take my dog to the vet to get patched up. Did the Pit owner take responsibility for the attack? No. The owner was very likely an illegal and that's why he ran away as soon as he saw the cops come.

    I hate Pit Bulls.

  13. I understand peoples anger at other people who don't help others even animals.. Yes I get angry too.. But are we to give up on other humans because of that? I hope not, because if I was in need might you pass me by if I need your help? You may grow insensitive to peoples suffering while you are in tune with animal suffering. Yes what those people did were wrong they should not pass by a suffering animal. But does that mean we no longer have to care for other people? No otherwise we are not any better.. Please don't hate other people we need each other.. It's too easy to get hateful because of others selfishness.


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