
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

25% Of Gulf Residents Fear They Should Move

ATLANTA — When it comes to getting information about the BP oil spill, Gulf Coast residents trust Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana more than Gov. Haley Barbour of Mississippi, and they trust Mr. Barbour more than President Obama.
Most of them do not think it is safe to eat local seafood.
More than a third report children with new rashes or breathing problems, or who are nervous, fearful or “very sad” since the spill began. And even though the gusher of oil has been stanched, almost a quarter of residents still fear that they will have to move.
Those are some of the findings of the first major survey of Gulf Coast residents conducted since the BP well was capped. The survey, conducted from July 19 to 25 by the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University, suggests that the spill’s effects have not been contained along with the oil itself. 
Ms. Drury’s 11-year-old daughter has grown more insecure, she said. Another child has developed a mysterious rash that Ms. Drury suspects is infected. Tensions over money, she said, reminded her of the warning from a visiting speaker from Alaska, who said the divorce rate there had skyrocketed after the Exxon Valdez disaster.
“I realize what the woman was talking about now, because it puts different strains on your family from what you’ve been used to,” Ms. Drury said.
Another survey respondent, Sherry Mareno, 39, a Buras, La., fisherman who lost her job after the spill, is trying to sell her house and leave the Gulf Coast. She and her 11-year-old son both developed serious skin rashes, and she blames the chemical dispersants used to fight the oil.
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Why is BP's Macondo Blowout So Disastrous & Beyond Patch-Up
No wonder the directors and top executives were rushing to sell off their shares after the 11 March incident, in anticipation of the worse to come."
More Here..


  1. I am not belittling this catastrophy

    But does anybody want to guess what's actually
    in the "chemical dispersants" ?

    I know - my lab tests them for 35 different
    displacement capabilities within' enviro
    constraints both in Liquid solution and aorborne particulate.

    It;s basically dishwasher detergent on steroids.

    Sorry - but that's the truth

  2. 6:10 what does dishwasher detergent do to a human body when dispersed into the air or on the body or ingested? Perhaps CANCER? Inform us what's in these "detergents"? Besides poisonous phosphates..

    Then add these "steroids"

  3. If these dispersants "Corexit" isnt deadly, why is it so illegal in most developed countries? Never heard of illegal dishwashing detergent. What a dumbass. Go back to school.

  4. I would think that part of BP’s public relations budget is paying people to troll the internet and post misinformation. Maybe that’s how the ”Steroid Detergent Guy” is making his Christmas money.

  5. Yeah! There is $20 billion dollars in a fund and I want some of it. If I have to lie and give my whole family a rash I'm gonna get some of those BP bucks. Where can I find a crooked lawyer (opps, that was funny, LOL, they are all crooked).

  6. 7:46 and 6:10 why do you not go down there and swim in the water and eat the sea food?

  7. I guess since I read the MSDS(Material Safety Data Sheet)and then the MSDS on propylene glycol that makes me a moron and troll. It is concentrated dishwashing soap. There has been a tragedy and loss but it is called life. When the story is lead because a 11 year old gets a rash, I have to call bunk. The loss of the marshes by the oil that has been predicted, IS NOT HAPPENING! Again these whiners can be placated just by writing a chack with enough 0's on the end. That is all they are looking for. Their life sucked before this happened, it sucks now and when they get a check, it will still suck. Then after the money is gone, the whiners will be looking for someone else to blame for theri life tha suck because it is George Bush's fault and BM's too.
    As for eating the food, I know a bunch of CA's on Bayou Blue that have not stopped fishing and eating the fish.

  8. 429 is a stupid paid shill, eat the seafood, you will probably die within a year. People and animals are not dying all over the place from dishwashing liquid, corexit is a deadly chemical, banned in every country in the world except ours!

  9. Dishwashing liquid is what they are using to save the sea life. The birds, turtles, etc. are cleaned and then washed in Dawn detergent, which was donated by Proctor & Gamble.

    The dispersant is a chemical brew and I think BP claims the exact ingredients are protected by patent (not totally sure about this, but I think I read it elsewhere). Instead of arguing, google for more info; learn to inform yourself.

  10. and the waters turned to wormwood and many men died because of the waters.

  11. More info: Saw on C-Span that Congress held a hearing on the use of Corexit and specifically said it was classified as hazardous material. I never heard of dishwashing detergent being called a hazardous material. I wonder if 6:10 and 4:29 know the difference between a dispersant and a detergent? Or maybe because the two words sound similar these trolls think they are the same thing?


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