
Friday, August 6, 2010

Agenda 21 Conspiracy: Reduce The Population 85%

The question then becomes: Can the American experiment in freedom continue without a foundation predicated on the notion that each person possesses a life that is their own? I conclude that without the political recognition of unalienable rights it cannot be assured that the political system will recognize that your life belongs to you.
This is not a moot issue. At the root of the globalist movement is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. This worldwide program agreed upon by 178 nations, including the United States, reveals the directive that human population is to be decreased by 85% (United Nations; Global Biodiversity Assessment Report, page 673). This policy has appealed to many who argue “overpopulation.” Accordingly, says the consensus, everyone’s “right to life” must be discarded in order to achieve globalist objectives.
More Here..

The Crime of the Century: What BP and the US Government Don't Want You to Know, Part I


  1. Maybe the Georgia Guidestones are telling the truth about their plan... the number 1 thing on the list is:

    1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000

    World population is 6,860,593,578

    That means 6.5 billion people would need to go.

  2. It's all in plain site sheeple, and there is NOTHING we can do about it, besides watch it happen and try and enjoy yourself while you can. Sheeple are all lost, and there is not a chance in hell they will fight back. When they come for our guns, and they will very soon, the sheeple will tell the jack booted thug at his front door "Sure you can have my guns, do you want my knives too?

  3. 11:31AM Yes, you said it right! Few will resist. As a retiree I never saw so many dumb butts in my age group. It's far worse in the middle aged folks, as the younger they are the more dumb down they are. They'll give up their knives, baseball bats, anything that can be used as a weapon, even pantyhose and battle axe's! With more jobs leaving the country, even college educ. can't find work, parents tell me.. How much longer are we going to take this? The younger workers, unless they have connections, will have zero future. Politicians are scum bags for letting this happen. Patriot groups are total failures; all they do is collect money and do little. Hell will break loose soon.

  4. Yes,Let's eliminate the pop.but start at the top with the RICH ELITE.By the time they get to me we will be in the bottom 1 percent of the 500 mil.

  5. Laura, you are right on! These zombies we live amongst are a bunch of idiots. I try and do business with these sheeple, its like talking to my dog. There is little hope. Patriot groups are either a bunch of idiots who actually believe they can vote out these "bad" politicians, and bring back the constitution, ha ha ha, what a joke, the constitution died many years ago. Or they are disinfo shills who lead a bunch of sheeple making big bucks selling their movies or whatever, while continuing the fear mongering to keep their flocks on edge.

    Jobs? No chance, once you turn 50 (probably 40 or 35 now), 0% chance of getting a job. I haven't worked in years, run a small company that barely pays my bills.

    Agenda 21 is in full swing, party now, as tomorrow we may die!

  6. I find it humorous that the wealthy consider themselves to be "elite" and worthy of inheriting the planet as their playground.

    I have never met a wealthy person who could change his/her own tire or change their own oil. They have NO practical skills whatsoever. They couldn't survive on their own if us peons weren't around to feed them. Good thing for the "elites" that they possess lots of rectangular green paper otherwise we might feel the need to rid ourselves of their company.

  7. I've read for years that one of the the elite's plans for world control was population reduction. Except that the world's population keeps increasing! Doesn't look like they've been very successful.

  8. Sharon, look who's counting these people..the gov't..You believe them?

  9. The "elite" (more like sociopaths, a lower form of humanity, if you want to call them human) will only succeed if there are willing participants to be their slaves.

  10. Please don't insult any animals by comparing these scumbags to them.

    The richer they are the bigger the target. Hard to hind all that glutenous wealth. Easy pickin when shit hits the fan.

  11. Sorry, Obama shouted out how he went to all the 57 states - he should know inside secrets on intellectual supremecy to avoid such simple errors right?

    There are elites but they don't play together. They also have no super powers or black ops programs going on.

    These people would have done whatever they wanted LONG AGO if they had the power to. And when in human history did they take power? 26,000 years ago? 6,000? 200? If it all began in the Renaissance then the theory rests as a Communist belief; "all problems derive from the capitalists... blah blah blah". Anything less than that is David Icke or Alex Jones spewing innacurate revolutionary talk for the sake of doing it... they are about 15 years behind! Their theory crashed when Obama took office... he's the polar opposite of all we've had so far.

    I know that the green movement is filled with demented fucks, many followers belong to the mindlessness of the New Age or the others are some brain dead alcoholic college students. Al Gore and others have described man as being the "plague that infects the planet". I hope this is nonsense, which I kind of feel it is... but then again.

    Why would they talk like that? Would they really do it? Despite logic moving against the unfolding of this (doesn't appear to be happening) could there be players behind the ones we think we uncover that are that cunning?

    I can't believe in angels but I can believe in this. It's most likely untrue.

  12. The plot thickens:
    Watch out folks ----- closing down sale coming to a butcher near you! The UN is plugging away unmercifully to get us all signed onto a global contract of reducing CO2. Crazy really when you consider we are a carbon based life form! Now we learn we are all to become global vegetarians...

  13. I'm deeply afraid the first thing they'll do is breed us with sheep and chickens and cows for food and with apes for slaves and with dogs for companionship. My fear is that then they'll grow huge fields of corn and wheat and turn us loose in it to grow and multiply. If only that were all. But- and this is my greatest fear- then they will drive big combines through the fields and grind us and the corn up into one big package for their elite supermarkets. I just hope if I survive I will have enough money to buy lots of ketchup to hide the flavor of those I am eating.

  14. Im afraid they will breed us with losers like the bush family, to dumb us down further, with a dumbed down bloodline like the bush family, failure is a certainty!

  15. Focusing hatred on a specific external object removes the hope of identifying the true source of neurosis. Try aroma therapy. It may help you get in touch with your inner enemy. If that doesn't work, try losing weight. Often my patients find that a starvation diet gives them a vision of the celestial. Occassionally they go into a coma, but we have always been able to bring them back. Another method it sitting face to face, connecting the bottoms of your feet with your mate and chanting,"Nice nice very nice we all fit in the same device." This one works every time but requires a lot of personal commitment.

  16. 10:40pm Many are becoming semi-vegetarians, but eat eggs and fish, maybe chicken/turkey/goat on occasion. With the cost of food, many have cut back portion size and eat way more veggies, like me and others on fixed income. Few could be total veg. (no dairy, eggs, butter, cheese, etc)

  17. We need to act together to secure the future of our species. Exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely. It's not about your rights - the US already uses fair more of the planet's resources than is fair. No passengers on Spaceship Earth.

  18. The Gov't is just slowly killing us off for one world rule, the 500 million people with the most money and hook ups.....They are slowly weakening us with small things like flouride in our water, keeping things in secret such as genocide and PLANNED "Terrorist" attacks such as that in oklahoma. The Gov't wants us to beg to them like dogs

  19. Step 1: Stop whining on website bulletin boards and go select some safe locations you will need to use when the time comes. Preferably rough terrain, hard to get to locations.
    Step 2: Gather provisions, supplies & ammo enough to last you and your family for a few months
    Step 3: Cash out of any institutions
    Step 4: Practice your evacuation
    Step 5: Stay ready, you won't have much time to make your run when the time comes

    Any Questions?

  20. whats wrong with the plan?

    where did you get this info ?

    it may help but its logic is upside down

    Japan Doomed

    America Doomed

    China Rules

    EU corrupted

    Africa doomed

    Russia doomed

    SHOW ME WHERE TO GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. you guys are all seriously mentally defected.

    don't forget to wear those tinfoil hats out in the rain so lightning can strike down and remove the real idiots from the face of the planet..

  22. All I see here is people whining about how things are not going their way. Stop complaining, fix your own problems and stop blaming "big Brother" and the "elites" for all the problems. Help your self and stop waiting for everyone else to do your work for you!

  23. Ok,heres the deal. This 'Agenda 21' is designed to save the world,right? Well thats not going to happen. Why? Because this world was created flawed by our Creator. Its meant to 'burn itself out'. Thats part of the Grand Design. Thats why the earth and the universe is always changing. These people are trying to make the world perfect for the return of the Creator. Our Creator is NOT coming back the way traditional religions think he is. And I think you all need to read about Agenda 21 from the source. NOT a blog or website.

  24. Earth + Comet = Wipe Out! No matter what man might do. God is in charge. He is the alpha and the Omega!


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