
Monday, August 2, 2010

Censored Gulf Eyewitness Testimonies of Coughing Up Blood and Other Horror Stories

Coughing up blood is among horrors that eyewitnesses are reporting in south Louisiana where BP medics diagnose the sudden widespread, burning, itching skin,  lesions and marks as "scabies" or staph and government health focus on "stress" and mental condition of millions of people poisoned with what scientists report is 11 times more lethal than crude oil toxins now in Gulf and coastal water and air. Americans are still encouraged to eat Gulf seafood.
On July 29 Global Justice Radio Blog Talk Radio program hosted by Rev. T.K. (Kathryn) O'Shannahan-Hyland and Vin Beazel called "Agent Orange Alert," listeners heard eyewitness and personal accounts of internal bleeding from orifices including coughing up blood and nose bleeds. 
There was a call-in from a woman stranded and ill with rashes on her body. She was calling for help.
Callers described leg-swelling among other effects since the oil explosion and lethal dispersant spraying operation.


  1. I get so freaking paranoid when I hear about rashes, especially staph.

    I had staph a couple times a few years ago. There was an outbreak amongst young people (teens and 20s).

    It can NOT hurt you unless you let it grow for too long even though idiot Dr. Phil got the public flipped over it with false facts. There's only been a couple deaths related to MRSA and it was because they already had health problems and let the staph grow into the bone.

    The reason it freaks me out so bad is because I have OCD, this really left a neurosis in my brain. When I get a pimple I squeeze the shit out of it in a nutty panic to make sure it is not a Staph. Once I get blood to come out I get a sedate sensation as if I just shot up heroin... it's kind of weird, I'm sure it's even weirder for anyone listening to this.

    The point is that I'm going insane, I'm really paranoid about everything. I've been really burying my head into anesthetic activities because of all of what's going on. Stuff like pills, computer games, constant music, driving in pointless destinations, meaningless conversations with people... these things are like drugs.

    When I'm in silence and facing reality (nothingness) I can go into witness mode and watch myself think of an escape (games, porn, funny conversations, driving, drinking, etc.)

    Now the question is this: What would happen if 300 million people who are all on some kind of mental tranquilizer more or less, and are a mix of all different kinds of people, suddenly lost all of their escapes and noticed hell freezing over them!?

  2. They can eat all the gulf seafood they want, I choose to stay away. People are dying and nothing is being said.

  3. Is that a picture of Obama?

  4. 3:40, this is not the site for you. I suggest the Disney site, or just take a month and sit on the benches at Epcot overlooking the lake and listen to the soothing music that says everything's going to be Okay. That constant music at Epcot makes me feel so right. It centers me. I have to go back every few years for my fix. It's like a pilgrimage to's that important. I suggest you do the same.

  5. Market is up big right out of the gate. Looks like it may break 11,000 this week. Sell your gold holdings and get in now and ride this Bull Wave.

  6. 7:17 IF your advice turns
    out BAD for people are you
    going to help cover their losses?

    Also what are yuor qualifications
    for giving out Financial Advice?

  7. 717 is riding the crashing wave, until he is broke, he has to live in mommy's basement because of the last crash he lost his piggy bank money, now he got a little back, that he is going to lose this time around when the biggest crash comes within the next 6 months and the dow is like 2000, hahahahahaha!!!!!!11

  8. Who cares about blood coming from these people, the sun will rise tomorrow and the next day, everything is great, everyone is rich and shopping and spending so much money. All houses are filled up the stores and casinos are booming, all is great, are you guys blind or what?

  9. why didnt my comment post from before? Guess there is 'approved' content and mindless babble that is allowed...

  10. Bullshift! The picture of the "rash" is chigger bites! Casual contact will NOT cause what is being alleged. I guess because it is a obscure blog making allegations by unqualfied people that makes it the "truth"
    It is more poor me, gimme a check people that come up with this carp. There are real issues, and this bullshift is NO it.

  11. Give me a break! Global Justice Radio Blog is your source for this crazy story?!? They are a pro-communist/socialist group dedicated to spreading mis-information. If they reported it then you can be sure it is not true.


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