
Monday, August 2, 2010

Massive Influx Of Cubans To The US? Castro To Lay Off A Million People

President Raul Castro expanded self-employment fields on Sunday, ahead of looming government plans to slash as many as one million jobs -- 20 percent of communist Cuba's work force -- from state payrolls.

The economy, 95 percent of which is currently in state hands, does not have the ability to absorb such vast numbers of jobless. Castro's move aims to try to reduce the socioeconomic fallout, but it will be an uphill battle.

The Council of Ministers "agreed to expand the range of self-employment jobs, and their use as another alternative for workers who lose their jobs," Castro said as he gave a closing address at one of two annual sessions of the National Assembly.

After the crash of the former Soviet bloc, Cuba's cash-strapped government in the 1990s approved a wide range of self-employment. Positions such as beauticians, dog groomers, small restaurant owners and even lighter refillers were legalized as long as workers got licenses and paid taxes.
More Here..


  1. Even if millions of more aliens come here and take from the enoumous amount of jobs available, it wont matter as americans are doing great and are fat and happy! The sun will rise tomorrow and the stock market and housing market cant go any higher than they are now, this country is having its greatest boom of money making ever!

  2. We should send the anointed one down there !

    He has fixed all the problems of his predecessors
    ( all of them back to Kennedy )

    He can fix this small problem in a matter of days

    All hail now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. We should send the messiah loser w bush down there to do coke and drink with castro, maybe he can bamboozle him the way he did the us citizens as he lied us into two unwinnable wars.

  4. So Cuba has 20% they need to dump sounds like the United States with unemployment at between 20-23% according to

  5. Will the Messiah w bush, save us from castro, after 911, the most important time in history to close the borders, he left them wide open, case closed, this country loves terrrism that is why bush the loser left the borders open!

  6. Breitbart is not a credible source of anything, so this news is misdirectional and disinformational.

  7. And looser, the loose ass bush, did not close the borders after the worst attack in us history. Oh yeah that was and unelected, cheating president who fixed the diebold machines.

  8. breitbart has been proven to be a right wing fraud, he is being sued now for it. He will lose and make his already retarded party look worse, if that is possible.

  9. Bush left the borders open because there is no such thing as a plaguing "terrorism" it was an inside job. That is why Bush left the border open. The same reason why they left Osama walk away when they could have got him. Oh the other reason the border was left open was to let the illegals wreck the economy as is the plan for the NWO no border continent.. They are trying to melt the world into one UN ruled world. They will accomplish this because they have the power and authority to do it. It's not with the people otherwise it would have been stopped already...

  10. I couldn`t get away fast enough...this is turning into a Bush-o-rama.

  11. 4:38, Castro has bigger balls, and ten times the intellect of any U.S. Politician in history. Hands down. Castro took on the entire Military Industrial Complex that rules the world, and he's beat them back for 50+ years. What have you done lately, you panty waist?

  12. Now let's see here

    This little dictator took a country and it's entire populace and buried them alive for 50 years and now even the ones making 5 bucks a week are too much and have to be deported

    Hmm - sounds like a place --------

    YOU need to go !

  13. 438 has amnesia about the two unwinnable wars bush started to the tune of trillions of taxpayer dollars, no mention of that, just crickets in his small brain.

  14. oh - you mean the 2 wars we're STILL fighting ?

    oh were we not supposed to be like coming out of Afgan ?

    oh - no, that's right - we just spent another 65 Billion on an additional 25,000 troops

    oh how silly - boy - that Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan - damn they sure set this poor communnity organizer up didn't they?

  15. Hey Johnny Boy

    Spread a little Ola on this

    What a Jack Off

  16. We should send all the illegals to Cuba. Wouldn't that frost Castro's balls. Lets call it a boatlift. Yeah! I like the sound of that.

    How do you say: "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" In Spanish???


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