Tuesday, August 3, 2010

An Unemployment Chart Almost Too Depressing To Look At

If you are currently unemployed, you might not want to look at the chart I am about to show you.  In fact, even those who have jobs are likely to get quite depressed after looking at it.  Why?  Well, because it shows that long-term unemployment in the United States continues to get much worse.  Millions of middle class Americans have been dumped out of their jobs over the past two or three years, and they can't seem to find equivalent jobs no matter how hard they try.  Millions have given up on finding something that will pay about the same and have resorted to flipping burgers or greeting customers down at the local "big box" store.  Millions of others can't seem to get hired anywhere.  The truth is that there are not nearly enough jobs for everyone anymore.  Today, there are about 6 unemployed Americans for every single job opening in the United States.  It is almost as if tens of millions of American workers have been forced into a very sick version of musical chairs where there are not nearly enough chairs for everyone.  Unfortunately, the losers in this game are likely to lose their homes, their dignity and any chance at achieving the American Dream.  The truth is that things are getting really bad out there.  According to one disturbing new survey, 28% of all U.S. households have at least one member that is looking for a full-time job.  That is not just a problem - that is a national crisis.
The following is the chart I warned you about at the beginning of the article.  It shows how the percentage of the unemployed who have been out of work for 27 weeks or more is absolutely skyrocketing....
Just a few years ago, in 2007, the percentage of unemployed workers who had been out of work for 27 weeks or more was under 20 percent.
Now it has more than doubled.
In fact, according to the most recent numbers, 46.2 percent of unemployed Americans have been out of work for 27 weeks or more.
Not only that, but the average time needed to find a job in the United States has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.
More Here..

99 Weeks Later, Jobless Have Only Desperation
More Here..


  1. I believe this to be true. I am self employed but just barely. No one is spending. People are nervous and justifiably so. The amount of disinformation and fear mongering is astounding. It is getting to the point where we don't know what is actually happening. An eary quiet has hit our neighborhood except for the local dog barking. To me that says it all..

  2. Um um um, hiring is up at the white house, wezz all got good jobs and shit. Hope and change is great.

  3. I knew something was wrong two years ago when I went to a nearby farmers market to try to sell crafts I made and I made maybe two sales just enough to pay for the table.. A land of opportunity it isn't. Not anymore when people can go to their local Chinese emporium and spend far less on lesser quality merchandise. We have been sold out by our own people!

  4. One of the major causes of jobs being sent overseas is Wal-Mart. This article from Fast Company magazine does a good job of detailing how their business practices have devastating effects on American workers

  5. Rob Buckley Hears ChatterAugust 3, 2010 at 11:22 AM

    We need a leader like Castro in the White House to rid us of the Military Industrial Complex once and for all. Where is our Che and Castro?

  6. Dave,
    Well said.

    Anytime I comment on China-made crap, people bash me, saying, "I bet you have lots of things made in China", and this is true--it is sadly unavoidable. What I do, however, is go out of my way to find quality products made in the USA, and I have plenty.

  7. Friend of mine has been unemployed since January 1st, very few interviews, very few opportunities. He is in his 50's and very few companies will hire an older worker in a good economy, certainly not in a depression. He lost his unemployment benefits, he thinks he's getting them back and BofA is foreclosing on his home.

    Mostly his fault, he bought a McMansion, I told not to, said his wife would divorce him if he didn't, seems this is more the norm with many of my married friends, what lovely relationships.

    He has no money, no savings, no car, no nothing, when they kick him out of his house, he will literally be on the streets (or on my couch).

    The economy is getting worse and worse, its not going to get better, ever in my life time.

    Get used to it..Face reality and prepare yourself for the hell that is upon us.

  8. I agree with 8:52. Finding American-made items is difficult. I needed a new VCR/DVD player. The old one lasted two years before partly breaking down. Even if I wanted to fix it, it would cost too much plus I'm not even sure repairmen for this exist.

    I went to a few stores to check prices and they all are selling the same items for the same prices and it's all made in China. I had no choice.

    The one thing from China that I will never buy is food. At least we still grow fruits and vegetables.

  9. Give up the VCR/DVD, nothing but crap published so don't buy a new one and save your from digital rot brain.

  10. hollywood gets most of their funding for movies by the us govt, just like violent video games, made to desensitize you into thinking it is ok to kill, so when martial law comes, you will think it is all a video game and not real.

  11. 8:18, you are right on track. Although the sad fact of the matter is that the past several administrations has allowed our mfg. base in this country to erode to nothing. If they wanted to, this country could not rebuild for a generation. (Retrospect, during WWII, we were able to do it in less than 9 mos.)

    I personally will not patronize Wal-Mart unless there is nowhere else to go. My family ries to keep our purchases local or from products made in the US of A.

    As well as all, this is becoming more and more difficult. But if all of us made a concerted effort to NOT buy from this rag-tag outfit and insist on them carrying products made in OUR country. Yes, it may be more expensve, but consider the alternative.

  12. 8:51 what has happened is the paper pushers of this world have destroyed the work force through their "decision making" Their profit mindset has ruined the value of craftsmanship. But really the major sellouts are the elite bilderburgers with their NWO agenda. They don't want people to prosper thus our "leaders" AKA "paper pushers" sold us out.. It hard to keep a cool head with all this. I have seen this years ago before others were even starting to mention things.

  13. All hope is gone for the younger generation, there is no future unless you're well connected thru family or friends in the job market. If we don't have decent employment for all, there is no tax base and SS, medicare, etc will go broke. We pay for no win wars since the '50's and for what? Voting is futile as the scum bags running or in office are not for the American people, but for foreign interests. America is down the sewer as patriots are very few.

  14. Laura, there are still a few patriots left. Alex Jones is a patriot and he's taking a beating right now, but he's hanging in there like the tough guy that he is because he's made of the precious metal that makes heroes.

  15. 2:10 pm: You just said there are few patriots left...that's the whole problem..very few good ones to make any difference; yet we have never seen results since the late 50's when my parents got active in patriot groups and informed others..all in vain thru the years, even with my generation of patriots, as nothing has really been accomplished..everything patriots did produced no victories, no results, now many older patriots have either died off, or dropped out, seeing the hopelessness of continuing on. Prep. family, live for self and hunker down. We are finished. Our small patriot group disbanded in the fall of '09, we were not connected to any org. but gave out many dvd's we copied from Jones and others, and websites.

  16. Ordinary Americans are learning that real national independence and the need for an industrial economy that delivers security of livelihood are class sruggle questions.
    The finance sector class that first de-industrialied America and destroyed confidence in the dollar by the wholesale creation of dud AAA bonds exported to the rest of the world made trillions of dollars in profits for their investor class .
    The ordinary people have to pay the bill after a financial coup to seize future Treasury revenues when the Ponzi economy and the property bubble they created imploded.
    Their past fat profits were already in their pockets but when it all went belly up they had their losses socialised and capital replaced
    in a bi-partisan bailout organised under the bush gang before he left power and this is now managed by Obama. Obamas election was mainly paid for by the corporatations and banksters of the GS types like Paulson, Geither that have now seized control of the treasury dept.
    The Elite financed false illusions of hope and change in the MSM .
    The big lie and personality cult.
    The new manager does the job he was paid to do.

    That is National Socialism for the rich class in a corporate state of the Hitler type.
    They had their profits already but then had their losses socialised too and now the people have all the debts to pay off.
    Class struggle?
    there are different forms of class struggle.
    Some think Marx , who spoke of class struggle, only identified two classes in capitalist society the workers and the industrial capitalists and a contradiction between those classes.

    In actual fact marx in his analysis of how capitalism works pointed to 3 not to 2 main classes. The working class the industrial capitalists and the rent seekers, those having property titles that allowed them to gain an income as coupon clippers .
    In Marxs day the Rent earning class were mainly landlords and mineowners that had property titles over portions of the earth but other rentseekers included those making profits from usury debts including bankers and central bankers.
    All of society the middle class and a working class pays for those monopoly rents.
    The rent seekers are "fist cab of the rank" in profits, the capitalist entepranuer only makes a profit for himself after he has paid interest on the cost of the capital loaned by the banker elites.
    These rent seekers of all types are a non productive class that leeches on the productive economy ,by claims to profits from old titles in property and paper, as past invested value/capital.
    Bailing out the past losses of the unproductive more parasitic sector of capital ,the rent seekers and usurers , can in no way create an industrial recovery in the productive sector only free profits for parisites in a bankrupt economy.
    In fact it is the interests of the rent seeking coupon clipping class that are in conflict with the interests of the rest of the american people .The middle class is being looted of its remaining assets and the working people are being locked out of jobs and the economy.
    The banksters are laughing and collecting their bonuses for mamnaging things for the coupon clipping class so well!
    Trillions have changed hands, from middle class hands to the big invetors hands , in the biggest inter-class transfer of wealth since the soviet Union was looted by banksters.
    Time for a Solon jubilee solution ?
    Solon the revolutionary wiped out all mortgage debts in ancient Greece,so people could just get on with their economic lives with a fresh start reset.

  17. WALMART!!! They employ 1.2 million Americans! DUH! More likely it is the fault of IKEA. They are a foreign company.

  18. 7:14 Walmart is importing all inferior cheap products made with cheap labor thus making the market of home produced products difficult to sell.. There are more than 1.2 million people in this country that need work.

  19. Check out a site called www.dailyjobcuts.com. It lists all closings, firings, etc., around the country on a daily basis. This is the real news, not the crap you see on TV.


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