
Friday, December 24, 2010

Harvey Organ: Criminality Of The Bankers

Promptly after those two cuddly bears explained how the JP Morgue is manipulating the silver market, and the xtranormal video went viral, forcing the FT to release an indemnification that "according to sources" JPM had covered a major portion of its silver short (only to subsequently end up with 90% control of other metals markets), here they are back, explaining in Part 2 of the series just what the next steps in the unwind of the biggest metal manipulation scheme will look like. The kicker: a JPM insider has told one of the bears that there is no commercial silver left, "it's all smoke and mirrors, and the CFTC can do nothing about it other than pray." Other topical items explained: silver backwardation, that there are two commissioners at the CFTC on the JP Morgue's payroll, the BIS' fractional gold system and the usage of side pockets for sovereign gold, and pretty much everything that ties the loose odds and ends in the PM manipulation story.


  1. These type of articles just kill me; I hate to let you in on this little secret guys and dolls - but this shit been goin' 'round and 'round for thousands of years so why the hell should this year ne any different?

    And it;s not the companies or the corporations or the unions or the churches; these "things" are just that.

    It's the people that are in "charge" of these "things"

    It's the people - when will the world wake up to the fact that there is nothing new under the sun - it's just a different time period.

    You can read a 2oo year old newspaper and discover the same old shit; people riding roughshod over other people to get what they want.

    Thta's life - either change your part of it or get used to it; but don't whine about it = nobody listens anyway.

  2. 301
    merry christmas!
    got gold beeches
    between obumer and bush clinton
    have destroyed america happy new year
    no jobs no benes no uncle sam
    congress traitors are still
    at it
    weeeee a race to the bottom

  3. 3:01

    Firstly, most people couldn't read 200 hundred years ago unless they had wealthy dads to send them to school or were of rare intelligence and taught themselves how to read.

    Second, whining is what wimps do. By comparing the situation today, globally or nationally, to the scenarios thousands of years back and saying nothing is new on earth, aren't you indeed using that as an excuse to give in to tyranny? I suppose if the Romans just gave in to Hannibal rather than fight it out the world would never have known Rome. Jews were better off just sitting around waiting for the Nazis to come to their doors rather than getting into armed communities and at least trying to hold out for some to survive.

    Whatever, nothing changes, nothing can be done. If your friend is an addict don't bother trying to help him. No... as humans, we TRY. "Good" doesn't always win, neither does "evil". If we don't try to be righteous, brave, pure, and smart, then FUCKERS get strong and do what they want. Which type of person really sounds like the wimpy whiner? One that is willing to put their face in dirt or one that throws in the towel without ever breaking a sweat?

    "I Can't" never got humanity anything. All things ever accomplished physically, intellectually, and spiritually were done by geniuses or strong willed underdogs who had "delusions of grandeur", rather, told themselves that they not only could succeed, but WERE GOING TO DO IT REGARDLESS OF ANYTHING OR ANYONE.

    You are wrong about there being nothing new with humanity besides the toys we use. Today those geniuses and lion hearts that may have spawned up by now obviously don't exist. We're now ruled by morons and sadists who've turned a good portion of the nation into obese, paranoid, drug oriented freaks detached from reality that have no class, no values, no ethics, no discipline, no concerns, and no knowledge.

  4. 4:25

    We;re now ruled by morons and sadists who've turned a good portion of the nation into obese, paranoid, drug oriented freaks detached from reality that have no class, no ethics, no discipline, no concerns and no knowledge.

    Yeah, no shit Sherlock

    Like I said; nothing new under the sun.

    Read Adrian Goldsworthy death of a Superpower and then you tell me what the differences between then ( AD 410 ) and now since you like Rome as an example

    Answer -------

    Not much ! Except 1600 odd years

    We haven't learned a fucking thing basically.

    And as far as knowledge of the populace goes; we;re still trying to figure out how South American Indians had a perpetual calendar accurate to the millisecond . Phoenicinas who took rudimentary canoes from the mediterranean to the south Atlantic ( and made it back )Egytptians who made Pyramids out of thousand ton chunks of rock mined miles and niles and miles away

    Oh yeah - we're brilliant allright

    Not !

  5. And as far as knowledge of the populace goes; we;re still trying to figure out how South American Indians had a perpetual calendar accurate to the millisecond . Phoenicinas who took rudimentary canoes from the mediterranean to the south Atlantic ( and made it back )Egytptians who made Pyramids out of thousand ton chunks of rock mined miles and niles and miles away

    Oh yeah - we're brilliant allright

    Just so.
    in the examples shown the potential creative productivity of humanity even under slavery under the Egyption is temendous what might it acheive if it ever got the ruling elites off their backs?
    You will never know with your face in the dirt and on your knees preaching defence for the elites that "nothing can change" .

    200 or so years ago americans thought different and revolted against the ruling monarch.
    while you would have said just keep on kissing the king or the pharoahs butt.
    nothing can change!

    While today you still a born debt slave passive loser.


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