
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hiding A Depression: How The US Government Does It

The real US unemployment rate is not 9.8% but between 25% and 30%.  That is a depression level of job losses - so why doesn't it look like a depression for many people? How can so large of a statistical discrepancy exist, and how is it that holiday shopping malls are so crowded in a depression?
The true devastation is hidden by essentially placing the job losses inside three different "boxes":  the official unemployment box, the true full unemployment box, and most importantly, the staggering and persistent private sector job loss box that has been temporarily covered over by a fantastic level of governmental deficit spending.  The "recovering and out of the recession" cover story is only plausible when nobody connects the dots and adds all the boxes together. 
We will add together the three boxes herein - using US government statistics for all three - and convincingly show that the US economy is in far worse condition than what is presented by the government or by the mainstream media.  No, we have not emerged from "recession" and there will be no "double dip" - because the first "dip" was straight down to a depression-level economy in 2008/2009, and we haven't come back up.
Creating artificial "free money" on a massive scale that artificially boosts short-term employment is how you segment depression level unemployment into the separate boxes and hide what is really happening.  It is this radical strategy that most distinguishes the current downturn from the 1970s and 1930s.  The ultimate source of most of the current "free money" that hides the depression is the government risking the impoverishment of US savers and investors for potentially decades to come, with the worst of the damage concentrated on retirees and Boomers. 
To have a chance of defending your hoped-for future lifestyle, there is simply no substitute for seeing the truth clearly.  For it is only when we see through the lies with clarity that we can distinguish the false opportunity of manipulated markets from the real opportunities that can be found in unexpected places.
More Here..

Actor Getting Ready For Armageddon  



  1. " Seeing the truth clearly"

    I will submit that therein' lies most of our current problems and also the many, many fallacies of exactly what is going on and the correct course of action.

    We are basically in unchartered waters; never before has the entire globe been so interconnected and so much " information" shared at light speed.

    The real truths are that "we" really don't know and it scares the shit out of us.

    In a way it's kinda funny; we bein' so smart and all - and yet you ask ten thousand smart people the EXACT same question

    Ten Thousand different answers

    Enjoy the ride, the bus ain't changed; just the conductors.

  2. The truth is, there is no depression and will never be one again.

  3. It is possible to still go the mall with an unemployment cheque. People may not spend as much, but if they live with another person who still works, they can still spend a little of their money, hence, the reason why you still see people at malls. Frankly though I think most of the bit shoppers are the more well-off and those who haven't lost their jobs, and many in the malls are just kids hanging out or families going out. It's the new place to hang out during a depression; doesn't mean we're NOT in a depression though.

  4. Oh, and 4:27, please, who died and made you God. Until you lose your job it will never ever feel like a depression to you. Honestly, it's amazing to me how people can remain untouched by reality just because it's not happening to them yet -- but I suppose this is just a common human reaction or else a defence mechanism.

  5. How is it possible, 25-30% unemployment, is it a hypothetical figure ?

  6. From the artical..."so why doesn't it look like a depression for many people"?

    I live in Orange County (Disnayland area)California. I work in Los Angeles County. I've been employed for about 2 months, after nearly 2.5 years of being unemployed.

    I drive to work on the much hated, Interstate 5. Hated because no matter what time of day it is, traffic moves at a snail's pace. Not any more. It should take me 1.5 hours to drive the 18 miles from work to home. Instead, most days, I'll be home in 40 minutes. At 4:00PM, when the I-5 should be a parking lot, traffic is flowing steady. What caused this daily miracle of free-flowing traffic on one of California's most hated Interstates? My guess is roads are less congested because of the 25-27% true jobless percentage. 25% of cars that should be on the road at that time are not, because these car owners have NO job to drive home from!

    Just my simple observation.

  7. I agree with 8:19. People I know in California have told me the same exact thing.


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