
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Major, Major System Collapse Coming?

WARNING: Beware of the advertising for his site!

More Videos @ Youtube


  1. Nothing we don't know, but it ends after the fourth video and does not tell us what to do. Are there more videos that weren't posted on Youtube?

  2. WHERE IS 5/8/ 6/8 7/8 AND 8/8? HOMBRE???

  3. The govt removed 5 6 7 and 8 they dont want you to be prepared.

  4. thank you for the information you provide to us. im in a debt crisis of my on, but just wanted to let you know the work you do is very apreciated by us.

  5. You have to subscribe at the website of the guy who made this to get balance of videos-so this is a teaser.

  6. If he's sellin gold, my question would be: What good is gold when there are no goods produced to buy anything in a crashed economy?

    HOARD FOOD, FUEL and GOODS NOW! I'm buying 5 55-Gallon barrels of Kerosene in a few days. That's over a YEAR of cooking, heating and lighting for me and my family. Recommend you all do the same.

  7. 1:13 "They" say that this shit is gonna last a decade. What you going to do for the other 9 years? How are you going to move 275 gals. of kerosene if you need to vacate? The people that don't have any au or ag, is going to be SOL!!!

  8. No the gov't didn't remove 5,6,7and 8
    No subscribtion necessary to view the videos

    The one thing you need to do is READ, READ, READ
    the instructions at the youtube channel.

    Good info in the videos but its not necessary to plunk down $50 for additional info. Its all available via the web


  9. These guys were part of a pump & dump scheme.

    Do a search on Google

    Stansberry & Associates Investment Research Fraud SEC

  10. Yes this video is a scam. They are trying to trick/scare people into using their services.. Rotten people using fear to get business.. I must say as well they used fake actors to in the quotes.. This has the G4T smell...

  11. 1:20. Are those your excuses not to be prepared? Better prepared than not and yes, we have bug out plans too with a network of like-minded people. Don't be a fool. Prepare.

  12. with the statement-"show you how to grow your money" knew the type of vid being shown, still the basics of things is there, most who read here know already. I'd add some other things harmeful coming besides direct economics-natural disasters and epidemics and droughts and crop blights and wars and of course riots, the physical occurances compounding the economic ponzi..all in time. much of this all has been foretold, be prepared.

  13. We live in a time where the Charletons come out and try to market people who are afraid. keep your money this too shall pass. Hey if it all goes down we ALL will.. Stop worrying.. It accomplishes nothing just act wisely.. Don't panic..

  14. 4;51 YOU'RE RIGHT, DON'T PANIC the government will take care of you..just come this way..brain dead

  15. This video is nothing but an advert. There is no new info in it at all, and Stansberry keeps leading the viewer on and on that information is forthcoming in the video, but it never comes. It ends with a "subscribe to my newsletter" and let me really try to sell you some expensive personal advice -- akin to the stuff he has been sued for in times past.

    In troubled times, when concerned people are searching for solutions, the fuckin' hustlers come out of the woodwork, and push people's emotional buttons so they can pick their pockets.

  16. This is America, entreprenuers always take advantage of a situation. Is that a bad thing? I don't see it as bad. So, this guy is trying to make some money. What he says is true, however. There are no lies or misconeptions in what he has said and this house of cards can only stand for so long.

  17. Ha Ha Ha Ha, government/youtube/google censored parts 5-8! How obvious can the be? Only the stupified amerikan sheeple slaves have no clue.

    And for those of us living in reality and frequent this site have known this for years. The dollar is dead, PERIOD! If you do not know this, you need to get help to reverse YOUR hypnotic trance you are living in. Step 1 is to turn off your TV, FOR GOOD!

    This site has made a huge difference, as the disinfo goons seem to always be here, attempting to mislead and change subject.

    Ha Ha Ha, if you are with the govt disinfo, you are so screwed!

  18. Devil wins by mixing truth with lies...So this guy IS RIGHT but he's also is a CON ARTIST.

    It's not a bad thing to prepare but think about it gold and silver are great but LONG TERM.

    For most of us Joes best to have food/fuel/medicine/water/weapons...I say again gold is great BUT long term.

    In the meantime it's about not going crazy and earning your daily bread for you and your family.

  19. Another pseudo-expert regurgitating the wisdom of Celente, but making it out to be his own expert advice.
    heh yeah..
    Nothing new, nothing that Celente hasn't been saying for ages.
    This snoozer is just another guru-wannabee and not worth my time.

  20. you just have to click on the universetruevolution youtube channel highlighted word to see the rest of them you sillys....

  21. I can visualize the Titanic going down and this BOZO running about trying to sell life insurance.

    "And the Oscar for best vulture in catastrophic times goes to...
    the sensitive caring investment guy flogging his special secret reports"

  22. Search for the guys company name and you'll see the missing videos.

    If anyone gets the document, post them public so we can all use them.

  23. "We are not "Printing Dollars." We have not been printing dollars. We do not pay interest on the loans from the FED."

    702 are you serious? wow.


    Good series of articles on this scam!

  25. This is a scam video.. Even Alex Jones was promoting it..


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