
Friday, December 17, 2010

New ATM Machines: Gold

BOCA RATON, Fla. (AP) — Shoppers who are looking for something sparkly to put under the Christmas tree can skip the jewelry and go straight to the source: an ATM that dispenses shiny 24-carat gold bars and coins.

A German company planned to install the machine Friday at an upscale mall in Boca Raton, a South Florida paradise of palm trees, pink buildings and wealthy retirees.

Thomas Geissler, CEO of Ex Oriente Lux and inventor of the Gold To Go machines, says the majority of buyers will be walk-ups enamored by the novelty. But he says they're also convenient for more serious investors looking to bypass the hassle of buying gold at pawn shops and over the Internet.

"Instead of buying flowers or chocolates, which is gone after two or three minutes, this will stay for the next few hundreds years," Geissler told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

The company installed its first machine at Abu Dhabi's Emirates Palace hotel in May and followed up with gold ATMs in Germany, Spain and Italy. Geissler said they plan to unroll a few hundred machines worldwide in 2011. He said the Abu Dhabi machine has been so popular it has to be restocked every two days.


  1. The date of this wickileaks cable ,shows the central bankers knew there was an inevitable systematic meltdown in process , long before the TARP bailout where Paulsen pulled out a “bazzooka” with threats to US Congessmen and Senators of an emergency(military?) presidential government coup ,if they did not toe the banksters line for a peaceful political coup and vote for TARP..

  2. if these asshole would print money, give to poor, build buildings, create jobs we wouldnt have problems. Goverment can do anything it wants. They need do better job protecting poor against rich, weak against strong. we need to impeech obama for not doing job. we need to set up dirt holes with men digging shovles, get armed forces to help us fight off ski mask goverment forces. If we get elected senaters to print money of the people, for the people, by the people, the consitution is not a problem. But if this continues we need more street tactics.

    - Sam

  3. Sam,that's exactly the problem we have as you mentioned and many think "Government can do anything it wants." Wrong!! Our Constitution (Article 1 Section 8)limits the government to 18 distinct powers, none of which states that it's governments job to provide money to any citizen, much less redistribute a citizens wealth! In America people earn what they have - in bad times and good, period! We are not yet a Socialist society as some like you would wish. Read the Constitution - get educated. Also read Thomas Jefferson's positions on government and the Federalist papers for some clues about America. If that doesn't help, call for an airline ticket to Venezuela and ask Chavez for a handout. I'm sure you would both see eye to eye.

  4. print money good, no money bad, bankers hate buildings jobs no to have want government no good protect their money, hate poor, strong are weak, slavery is freedom, holes have dirt men hovles fight masks, they are ugly people constuitution know not, taactics for sheep


  5. "(Article 1 Section 8)limits the government to 18 distinct powers, none of which states that it's governments job to provide money to any citizen, much less redistribute a citizens wealth! In America people earn what they have - in bad times and good, period!"

    The american constitution was set up by large land property and slave owners like jefferson and the very rich like washington and those with similar class views to ensure that wealth was not distributed equaly .
    As you say they were not Socialists.
    And that courts managing contract laws between persons were fair.
    To have a federal union of sovereign states ,an independent country without any claim of foreign monarchs and governments claiming a share of american wealth in taxes without any say or democratic representation by the locals .
    Slaveowners like jefferson claimed that the wealth they were getting and owned was the result of their OWN hard work and from their hard working capital investments.and set up a rule of law to protect their own rights including their own feudal slave owners rights that they saw as compatible with modern capitalism .
    As you say this class the Founding Fathers of american empire
    were definately not socialist!
    Prior to the independence struggle Washington was a loyal military servant of the english kings empire fighting the french kings empire.

    Slaves ,indentured servants and women were given no say or vote in government.
    What was important here ?
    The national independence to enable a people to control their own affairs or the "liberty" of the established property owning class and their law in good times or bad?
    Freedom of of ordinary americans was only ensured by amendments to the draft constitution ,by the bill of Rights to ensure some common law rights by the people and the sovereign states and by a later civil war against the constitution to end the constitutional provided rights of slaveowners.
    So all democratic progress in america was won in the fights AGAINST the original constitution.
    The US government is now a 2 party semi-monarchial government run by a ruling elite its elections managed by control of the money power and their lobbyists ,by using "Constitutional" Patriotic acts and executive orders ,where even the power to make or end wars wars is no longer in the hands of the people elected representatives but "the deciders"the "comander in chief" and the power to make money and the governments credit is in the hands of a privately owned bank monopoly that "prints" money acording to the needs and "liberties" of a ruling elite to own and the national debt,after a political coup to control the Treasury Department .
    The same ruling elite contols public opinion trough a dominant near monopoly contol of the MSM managing the "news".
    Even some remaining freedom of speech on the internet is coming under increasing and everyday threat.
    While the courts now see their role in justifying as constitutional rule of law the rights of "corporate persons" owned by the same ruling elite.
    A small elite % of the people that now claim property rights and incomes from owning the vast bulk of US wealth.
    And they too are definately not socialist.
    They like the democratic system of Debt Peonage and law by rule.

  6. Oh My - where oh where are all those gold conspirists who just insisited that "they: know whos buying and selling gold.

    Oh really ?

    Trying tracking it from a vending machine !

    Ha! That's too damn funny

  7. 1006 no one hates the constitution and america more than congress and the supreme court, they control everything and they are set on ruining it all.

  8. 4:47 says :
    I do not reside in America .
    But, I actually have a lot of respect for the US constitution ,it was a revolutionary progressive document of world historical importance in its day ,as a basis for the rule of law and the rights of man AND of the citizen in a newly independent nation.
    And Best of all the decleration of independence and The Bill of rights .
    I merely pointed to the property interests and views that naturally reflected the economy and views on rights that existed in the economy in days of the ‘Founding Fathers”
    of small farmers etc the rights of slaveowners in the capitalism of those days.
    Capitalism itself has evolved since then and corporations are now dominant in the economy.
    Like every other Constitution it has to evolve, and has evolved , as a living constitution to suit the changing material conditions and economy of modern times.
    For the original purpose of serving the “common good” of all Americans in their sovereign states.

    That is why there was a bill of rights and why have been some necessary amendments in the past .
    The criticism made ,by me was in the use made of that "constitution" by the congress and senate and courts in todays world to invent “ corporate persons rights” and to justify as "constitutional" semi –monarchial rule by Patriot acts and the like ,even private bankers control of the countries money and the US treasury.
    Whereby the Bill of real peoples ,citizens rights ,as well as some sections of the constitution is simply ignored.

    Naturally you make no mention of the Bill of Rights or of the need for laws that serve the common good in your own "pitiful and sad" 'patriotic" commentary on any critisism .

    You treat that Constitution like a bible or a koran and believe any criticism or analysis can only come from Marxists perhaps out to attack your “supreme being” and “America” ?

    And its true I consider America and its Bush law wars against the third world counties an imperialist rogue state and bandit in international law ,
    But, not only Marxists think that but Probably most of the worlds peoples.

  9. 12:14/4:47

    Sadly you don't know this, like most people, but the Founders actually allowed women to vote and hold positions in government. Native Americans were also given special privaledges over European Americans by Jefferson. What happened then?

    Various individuals came along at times and expanded the power of the government. It was government that decided to instigate people to hate and kill "Indians" so it could increase its strength while others got rich off of the lands and resources taken by them.

    Government was the reason after the Civil War that segregation was employed. In each case; stopping slavery, stopping the killing of natives, giving women the right to vote (again), and ending segregation, what was it that fought to attain these things? Oh right, the PEOPLE.

    The truth however, is that the Constitution isn't being attacked, changed, or destroyed. It is simply being ignored by the government and politicians. That's why they continue pushing their power where they don't have any, taking money that doesn't belong to them, and having abilities that were never granted to them.

    Your belief in the Constitution as something that transforms isn't even relevant. Those in Washington and those who hold power in many cities are just going around it, they aren't using it or altering the Amendments. Also, the checks and balances are vanishing. The Executive Branch likes dismissing the Legislative Branch since it seems to think it can do things without getting Congress to ratify it. We, the PEOPLE, just allow it.

    You do know that the cities run by the Progressives/Liberals are in greater poverty on average right? Despite your view that democrats have made progress by being champions in making life equal for all?

  10. 7:04 Good points and all true. It's the blatant unconstitutional power grab of the Executive branch and the unbridled corruption of the congress that has nearly wiped out this nation. It's not the Constitution and its principles that are at fault. Our Constitution is not a "living, changing document" as so many want it to be to fit their Progressive agendas to bring down this country. Steadfast adherence to the Constitution applies today just as it did when written in 1787. It's just 'an inconvenient truth" that many Progressives/Marxist can't stand as it blocks there advancement toward abolishing the freedoms people enjoy in America.

  11. "Oh My - where oh where are all those gold conspirists who just insisited that "they: know whos buying and selling gold.

    Oh really ?

    Trying tracking it from a vending machine !"

    You assume cash must be used !
    like buying a coke.

    Not trackable credit cards or even telephone debit technology purchases .
    Paypal and such.

  12. "(Article 1 Section 8)limits the government to 18 distinct powers, none of which states that it's governments job to provide money to any citizen, much less redistribute a citizens wealth! In America people earn what they have - in bad times and good, period!"

    oh ,right!

    Exept of course if you are the bankster/wealthy class then with TARP and if you own Treasury then you can collect Trillions courtesy of The US government and taxpayers .
    thats ok PERIOD.
    All that for the constitutional "common good"?

    Oh ,do you mean like the need for cutting back on "unconstitutional" redistributed wealth of a few tens or even hundreds of billions for food stamps for feeding millions of americans.
    Period ?
    As the true american way.

  13. "Our Constitution is not a "living, changing document" as so many want it to be to fit their Progressive agendas to bring down this country. Steadfast adherence to the Constitution applies today just as it did when written in 1787."

    If it were fixed forever in stone like the laws of moses 'not changable by the people by amendment like for example non racial discrimination against people , slavery would stll be a legal business.

  14. "when you use my ATM you feel it has huge security you can take it"


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