
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

No Money: City By City The Lights Go Out

VISTA (AP) — To trim $9 million from their budget, Vista officials say they will shut off half of the city’s residential street lights in March unless property owners agree to pay higher lighting fees.
Fees could cost residents of the north San Diego County city between $4 and $20 a year.
SoCal To Turn Off Street Lights In Budget Cuts
In turn, Vista residents complained about bright lights at the new City Hall.
City spokeswoman Andrea McCullough tells the North County Times that lights in the park behind the building have been shut off and lights in front of the Civic Center have been dimmed.
Inside the building, she says lights are being dimmed at 7 p.m. instead of 10 p.m.


  1. Noooooo not the porn.

  2. well those big wigs in cancun did call for rolling blackouts in the developed world. no manufacturing here, and what's left can be made cheaper oversea's, so no blackouts for them but yeah, what's the path for the west with it's higher input costs and such? although they didn't say blackouts for money reasons, just to stop global warming-while meeting there cancun experienced some of the coldest temps on record...hahaha
    so england with it's austerity announced a record shortfall today, even though they turned off the heat at the airport and skipped deicing the runways..all during this 3yr global warming iceage..seems it's not working..being sucked down anyway, all going down, flushed's a good thing when it was mostly built on lie's to begin with


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