
Monday, December 13, 2010

No Start-Ups, No Jobs No Money

Fewer new businesses are getting off the ground in the U.S., available data suggest, a development that could cloud the prospects for job growth and innovation.
In the early months of the economic recovery, start-ups of job-creating companies have failed to keep pace with closings, and even those concerns that do get launched are hiring less than in the past. The number of companies with at least one employee fell by 100,000, or 2%, in the year that ended March 31, the Labor Department reported Thursday.
That was the second worst performance in 18 years, the worst being the 3.4% drop in the previous year.
Newly opened companies created a seasonally adjusted total of 2.6 million jobs in the three quarters ended in March, 15% less than in the first three quarters of the last recovery, when investors and entrepreneurs were still digging their way out of the Internet bust.
More Here..

Household Debt Record In Canada


  1. Why work or roll the dice on a highly taxed, highly regulated start up when all you have to do is sit and vote for the democrats? Republican, business owning, successful people are the enemies of the state and everybody hates them. OK, we'll go away. Enjoy the "change".

  2. TOO many taxes and to much competition with the big box stores..

    why take the chance unless you are selling Medical marijuana you are screwed

  3. not just BO taxes and cheap imports competition but americans -want-cheap. why buy a heirloom quality hutch when IKEA is just down the road, or sauder is easily snapped together, don't worry if it'll last we have huge landfills-it's america-alls disposible.

  4. economic recovery...

    that alone pretty much nullifies his credibility. There was no recovery, no slow growth, there was no recovery, no slow growth... THERE WAS NO RECOVERY AT ALL. WE NEVER CAME OUT OF THE RECESSION, IT IS A DEPRESSION. THERE WAS NO RECOVERY OR SLOW GROWTH.

    Dumbass wallstreet employee.

  5. The bi-partisan bailout for bankster course was set after the collapse of the great Ponzi economy during the term of the last Republican President and continued by Obama.
    Despite any noise the Republicans will continue with that trillion dollar + annual handout.
    The only difference may be that they may demand even more “Austerity” in order to gain control of the government social security incomes to hand over these incomes directly to the banking sector.
    Big business after all gives little in taxes to government.And the trillions have to come from somewhere in order to head off hyperinflation from money printing.
    Dead Ponzi dead dollar!
    An article at Automatic Earth gives the basic bottom line tax revenue and spending figures .
    Can you see an extra available $ trillion here?

    Of course unfortunately ,the budget problems are blamed on the Cost of “socialist” social security bills that are paid for by working peoples taxes not on the bankster bailouts

    …here is the problem, (for Republican John Boehner ed. ) ..
    even if he cut the US government discretionary spending by 100%, it still isn't enough. Just take a look at the numbers:
    Here is the 2010 tax receipts for the US federal government:
    · $1.061 trillion – Individual income taxes
    · $940 billion – Social Security and other payroll tax
    · $222 billion – Corporation income taxes
    · $77 billion – Excise taxes
    · $23 billion – Customs duties
    · $20 billion – Estate and gift taxes
    · $22 billion – Deposits of earnings
    · $16 billion – Other

    Now, notice how the US government includes Social Security tax, taken off of paychecks as being INCOME?? No company could ever do that. But the US government can. Why? Because they've got all the guns and can do what they want.
    But the money taken in from payments into Social Security is obviously not real income of the government. That money, theoretically, is supposed to be set aside to pay for Social Security in the future”….
    Here are the Mandatory and Discretionary spending numbers for 2010:
    Mandatory spending: $2.184 trillion
    · $677.95 billion – Social Security
    · $571 billion – Other mandatory programs
    · $453 billion – Medicare
    · $290 billion – Medicaid
    · $164 billion – Interest on National Debt
    · $11 billion – Potential disaster costs

    Discretionary spending: $1.368 trillion
    · $663.7 billion – Department of Defense (including Overseas Contingency Operations)
    · $78.7 billion – Department of Health and Human Services
    · $72.5 billion – Department of Transportation
    · $52.5 billion – Department of Veterans Affairs
    · $51.7 billion – Department of State and Other International Programs
    · $47.5 billion – Department of Housing and Urban Development
    · $46.7 billion – Department of Education
    · $42.7 billion – Department of Homeland Security
    · $26.3 billion – Department of Energy
    · $26.0 billion – Department of Agriculture
    · $23.9 billion – Department of Justice
    · $18.7 billion – National Aeronautics and Space Administration
    · $13.8 billion – Department of Commerce
    · $13.3 billion – Department of Labor
    · $13.3 billion – Department of the Treasury
    · $12.0 billion – Department of the Interior
    · $10.5 billion – Environmental Protection Agency
    · $9.7 billion – Social Security Administration
    · $7.0 billion – National Science Foundation
    · $5.1 billion – Corps of Engineers
    · $5.0 billion – National Infrastructure Bank
    · $1.1 billion – Corporation for National and Community Service
    · $0.7 billion – Small Business Administration
    · $0.6 billion – General Services Administration
    · $19.8 billion – Other Agencies
    · $105 billion – Other


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