
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

U.S. "Feral Reserve Boink" Reels Into the Jubilee Year

Richard Sauder

Oh, did I misspell U.S. Federal Reserve Bank? You'll have to excuse me. I'm feeling a little dizzy this afternoon, because it is all unraveling so fast now. The world of high finance is cracking apart, outright falling apart. The U.S. Federal Reserve Bank is failing, mostly because the U.S. Federal Reserve Note is rapidly losing value, mostly due to the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank's own criminally stupid, criminally inept and criminally corrupt policies, and since the Federal Reserve Note is essentially its one and only product, its bread and butter, the whole criminal cabal is destined for the ash heap of history, and soon. Consequently, by Christmastime the USA and most of the rest of the world are likely to be in a chaotic uproar, much more so than now. We'll be lucky if these monsters-pretending-to-be-humans do not stage a notorious "false flag" terrorist attack in Paris or Montreal or Chicago or …. You name the place, and use that as a trumped up casus belli to go after Iran and initiate a general, global war, likely nuclear, in a desperate, Strangelovian bid to fight their way out of terminal, imperial collapse.

How do you get ready for The End of The World As We Have Known It? I don't know. But I do know that a lot of people will not take the abrupt change(s) well. It is quite possible that very large numbers of people will die from complications associated with systemic financial failure - from utter destitution, from violent crime, from mob violence, from military assaults and warfare, from disease, from hunger, from exposure to extreme cold, from radiation poisoning as more nuclear power reactors fail and melt down, etc. There may be a spiritual ascension, as the Russian scientists seem to think. Or not. But first it does look like we are imminently going to hit an extremely rough patch in the road. What happens after that is anyone's guess. I suspect there are myriad possibilities that span the gamut from unspeakably hellish to unimaginably sublime. Get ready. Because we are all about to sail together right over the edge of the Known Universe, and into uncharted territory, a real terra incognita.



  2. 2:41, I have a question for you. What kind of weirdo types an entire diatribe in all caps? Further, who comes onto the Coming Depression blog spot and gripes about reading about the coming depression?

    I say, just get a job that you enjoy, perhaps your outlook on life will improve just a little.

  4. The United States can continuously borrow from the FED.

    We do not have to pay our debt.

    You see we created the FED out of thin air. We can borrow from the FED and we do not have to pay them interest.

    Technically we do, but when we do, the FED puts the money back in the US Treasury for the United States to use again and again and again and again. We pay interest to countries and people that own our Bonds and Notes, but if we wanted, we can have the FED buy all of those Bonds and Notes back. Then we would not have to pay interest on them. We keep them out there because it is a form of foreign aid to help the countries that have poor banking systems.

    When you do not pay interest, you really never have to pay off the debt. Why would you want to?

    That is what a bunch of nincompoops like Ron Paul do not understand. Free money will keep the United States running for eternity. The rest of the world envies us that we created the FED, but they are too stupid to see that they could do the same thing. Since they are too stupid, they just sit back and envy us.

    Note, the FED was created by the United States to act like a bank and to loan money to us like a bank, but it really does not have bank vaults loaded with money. All the money it creates is electronic money.
    Poof!! it is there when we want the FED to buy our Bonds and Notes.

    Money that is POOFED into existence can also be POOFED out of existence. At any time we want, we can ask the FED to erase our debt. POOF it is gone, never to be seen again.

    Technically, we can carry a hundred Trillion dollars of debt or even more as long as we do not have to pay interest on it. The dumb people of the world can not understand that.

  5. 8:26: That's some great stuff! Post of the week.

  6. 8:26

    I've been saying that on here for over 2 years

    The only caveat ? If the general populace loses
    confidence in your funny money; if that happens; because it's not actually backed by anything - your goose is cooked. Until that time; as long as the dumb asses of the world ( including me ) are willing to bust their asses to aquire more of said funny money -------

    Truly the sky is the limit

  7. 8:26
    People of the world are stupid to accept the US dollar because of America military might and perceive economic might. All these will come to an end once the world stop accepting the US dollar. We will be screwed.

  8. Relax, people it's going to get very bad and then ultimately better in the future, but even that will be another Ponzi scheme which will make the ponzi schemes of today look like nothing.

  9. The above posts assume that the foreign bankster families who own the Fed are benevolent. That they would erase debt or do anything to help this corporation, er, excuse me, country.

    They will not. They are our owners. We are their slaves. Their plan since 1913 has been to ENSLAVE us, not offer us any escape alternatives.

    Wake the fuck up.

  10. Two reasons the Ferel Reserve will accomplish their goal of sucking Amerika dry.

    Bought and paid for Politicians who will do nothing to stop them and an extremely dumbed down, deluded populace.

  11. there is both attraction and repulsion that form the basis of the unity of the material reality of this universe.
    A newtonian one sided emphasis on attraction /gravity one side does not help in understanding movement and balance and evolutionary development .

  12. 8:26 Your argument is flawed on many levels but I'll note just one, If the FED is such a cure for the monetary problems of the country, that it can print money with no negative consequence and that everything could be paid for with this magic money, then why, pray tell, does the government need to charge taxes on anything?

  13. 8:26 pm is absolutely CORRECT!

    BUUUUTTT as was mentioned afterwards it's kinda a ploy to take over everything legally without firing a shot...In less than 100 years starting in 1913 they have slowly drowned this country in debt/wars...ANNNND they have stolen our Constitutional Rights to the point that we are 1984.

    So yeah the Fed could cancel the debt OOORRR they could use the government they bought using fiat money to force people to give up property and good basically for fiat credit since THERE NEVER WAS ANY MONEY TO BEGIN WITH!

    Amazing concept...Like something out of the Matrix with a cast of liars, Evil Cabals, and images that don't really exist.

  14. 8:26 PM says;The United States can continuously borrow from the FED.
    We do not have to pay our debt.
    You see we created the FED out of thin air. We can borrow from the FED and we do not have to pay them interest.
    Ahhh, if it were only so easy, Nice in theory But Major Error and Flawed thinking,
    You are not an expert on the economy and you are not alone!!
    FYI everyone!
    Every developed country has their own central bank.
    Just because the US dollar is the reserve currency of the world doesn't mean we (the USA) has unlimited access to it.
    That was The average Joe and Joannes way of thinking, kinda similar to the way our grandparents thought.
    If the USA did what you say, Print and borrow their own money and never pay it back, then every country will say WTF lets print and borrow endless amounts and not pay it back,
    then we have a global Argentina!,
    worthless world currencies competing for fewer world products, and resources, then prices soaring to the almighty heavens, and then
    A Total meltdown.
    Read your history books people!!!!!


  16. 8:33 And exactly WHAT is EVERY country in the WORLD doing RIGHT NOW !!!???

    I rest my case

  17. Few people realize that the IRS is not a Gov. agency, but an accounting branch of the IMF. Send the bills in, and they will be taken care of.The Federal Reserve Bank is simply a branch of the IMF under the greater Bankruptcy.

    Personal bankruptcy lasts 7 years, whereas corporate (As in the USA Corporation) lasts 70 years. Every 70 years, the USA Corp. has to reorganize the bankruptcy. If you look at it historically:

    70 years from the Incorporation of the USA Corp was the War of Federal Aggression (Also known as the "Civil War"). This allowed seizure of the real property of the States by the Federal power.

    70 years later: Big Depression 1 (DON'T refer to it as the "Great Depression." There was nothing Good or Great about it. Call it Big if size is the factor. This was a Reorg that called in all the privately held gold and transferred it to the IMF to pay the corporate debt of the USA corporation. This left the Creditors (Us, the people) unable to Pay debts, so HJR 192 was passed, making it against public policy to pay a debt, only discharge it. This reorg basically took everyone into Uniform Commercial Code, (fully corporate), as all alleged Gov. entities are actually corporations (look it up- Dunn and Bradstreet has listings for every Gov. entity, and they are all for-profit)

    70 years later: 9/11 allowed the formation of the Homeland Security Corporation, which was the replacement for the USA Corp. This Corporation is poorly organized, and not predicted to last very long. It was essentially an excuse to destroy the files evidencing fraud (the Towers were big filing cabinets) traumatize the populace into accepting whatever, and getting the USA Corp. to fight for the Israeli Corp.

    Now that people are waking up to the fact that the written Constitution never applied to them all along (it was never adopted!), they can get a handle on the rules and start playing the game to win.

    Do the research:

    Look up Ed Rivera's material (

    Look up Winston Shrout's Material on Accept for Value (NOT "Acceptance for Value" THAT IS FRAUD!)

    Words have very specific meaning.Look up HJR 192 and Douglas Riddle A4V.Start learning the rules to the game!

  18. Part I of II. Please leave this up, as it is germaine to the article posted.

    The irony is, when FDR created the New Deal, it became impossible to pay a debt. House Joint Resolution 192 makes it AGAINST PUBLIC POLICY to PAY a debt. The gold was removed from the public, which was the only way to PAY a debt. Instead, all debts must be discharged, dollar for dollar. The (commercial) government that we have had since 1787 (since the written Constitution was NEVER ADOPTED per article VI) assumed liability for all debts incurred in the public (meaning ALL debts). WE, the living human beings, are the source of all credit- are in fact the creditors for the bankruptcy reorganization of 193 ("The New Deal"). This is not conjecture, it is fact, and can be discovered with a little research.As the creditors, WE loan the funds (NOT the money- there is NO money) with our signatures. When we sign a prommisory note, WE are granting the use of the credit. The company then uses OUR credit (the funds we created with our signature) to do whatever we tell them, but also to hypothecate the note (which is essentially as good as cash). They then fraudulently expect US to pay them AGAIN out of our back pocket, because they make it look like THEY lent the money to US. This is of course BS, they were paid several times over. They need to be paying us.Things like electric companies, cable companies, phone companies, etc. when they send us a bill are really sending us a check. A *BILL*<<<<<<<<<<You have DOLLAR BILLS in your pocket, and are happy, yet get BILLS for whatever amount in the mail and are stressed!? Why? Return them to the sender after accepting them for value. This is what bankers do with notes to become the holder in due course. This is the proper way to discharge debts in the US Bankruptcy. You should send them in to the company as well as the IRS- the IRS is responsible for evening the ledger, nothing more. Few people realize that the IRS is not a Gov. agency, but an accounting branch of the IMF. Send the bills in, and they will be taken care of.

  19. Falling CivilizationSeptember 2, 2011 at 1:35 PM

    Ask yourself this Question; What is Debt?
    Define government debt?
    There is no real debt, how can a country that prints its own money have debt?
    This is a huge Ponzi scam.
    Like one Op said
    ""Amazing concept...Like something out of the Matrix with a cast of liars, Evil Cabals, and images that don't really exist.""

    What happens when the world's people awaken to this fraud?
    What happens to civilizations?
    They usually fall apart because universal consciousness becomes aware of this great illusion.
    The fall of hundreds of civilizations long gone by are documented. But no one really knows why they fail.
    You and I are witnessing the fall of the worlds current civilization, The end must come so a new one may evolve.
    You and I are going to experience the greatest Hell on earth that anyone has ever witnessed.
    Get your books out and start writing it down for future world civilizations so they may read about it and possibly learn.
    Good luck to all.

  20. @ Falling Civilization:

    It *IS* impossible.

    If it were the current situation, there would be no debt, period.

    The Gov. Corp. does not print it's own money. It farms it out to another, bigger Corp. called the IMF, or rather, the IMF specifies the terms of the deal. the FedRes is a tentacle of the IMF, and charges a fee for the use of its private currency, the Federal Reserve Note. This fee is passed on to the users (us) in the form of the Federal Income Tax. This use fee simply pays for the benefit privilege of using the funds (not the money- there is no money).

    If the government (small g, not large), IF we had one, simply printed the money into existence and charged a small fee for its INITIAL use (1-2% MAX), we would not have the predicament we are in. The government could not owe a debt to itself. The current DEBT is ludicrous- does anyone ever think about that? Can you owe YOURSELF money? Nope.

    Adopt the Constitution, and start the change. Until then, everything that happens is legal (even if it is evil, immoral, and loathesome).

  21. 10:09 , you are correct, assuming one believes in countries as corporations.
    That is one way to define a country, but not necessary correct.
    You as an employee, have no voting rights in a corporation.
    You as a citizen have voting rights in
    a country.
    Stop voting and then you have a corporation.

  22. @ 2:43

    Show me a country that is not a corporation. Literally. Every single one is listed on Dunn and Bradstreet. Ever "Gov." agency, every city, every township, every court, every police department. In England, MPs are listed on D&B. This is not a thought experiment. This is not an allusion. "One way to define it." Ok, I define a Corporation as a fictitious entity that exists to show a profit that has been registered with the Crown.

    ALL. GOVs. ARE. CORPs.

    Voting is the worst thing you can do.

    It shows that you are part of the criminal enterprise, because you are consenting to the system. It is evidence that you are an accessory.

    It does not change A THING, as the system cannot be used to change itself. (Why would the owners allow that?!)

    The "Democracy" we live in (and unfortunately...VERY unfortunately it IS a Democracy, just like most Dictatorships the world over) refers to the Corporate Judiciary and Congress Assembled. They vote, and things happen. How they vote is based on whatever makes their stock go up. Not the "LAW." The law is whatever they say it is, as the "Constitution" as written was never adopted. It does not limit them.

    "Stop voting and then you have a Corporation"


    Show me a Corporation without a Board of Directors and Shareholders/Employees. The BoD (Congress Assembled and the Judiciary) make the big decisions. The Shareholders/Employees (The Pee-ons that "Vote" in the rigged elections) get to choose the Cafeteria food, nothing more. Plus they are saying "We are fine with this Criminal, Fraudulent, and Loathesome system. Don't change a thing. Oh, and we endorse anything you do."

    Bad news for the Sheeple that voted in any election since 1787. They are personally cuplpable for the actions of every president that was elected in any election they participated in. Meaning if you participated in an Election where King George the II was elected, you are an accessory to the murders done by that administration, regardless of who you "voted" for. Starting to "get it?"

    True Democracy is the antithesis of freedom, as it allows the (usually) moronic Majority to drown out the voice of the Minority. And, what usually happens is the Majority will "vote" themselves goodies until the whole enterprise collapses under its own fraud.

    Courts are banks. This is why judges ignore the law. NEVER argue LAW in a court. NEVER hire an "ATTOURNey" (look up the word "Attourn:" it means return property to the Crown). When you are invited to these banks, you are "CHARGED" (hmmm, not accused) with a crime ($$$$). The only decision is how much it is going to cost you. 95% of all court cases end with conviction. The only reason it is not 100% is so the Sheep think there is a chance for "Justice."

    Look up the definition of a Citizen. It means employee. There are almost no Citizens in the US, as it required you to be born on Federal Property, and I know almost no one that was born in a courthouse, a police station, or a military base. There are a fair number born in D.C., but compared with the vast NON-Federal territory that comprises the rest of the Confederation, there are almost none.

    Also, you don't have voting "Rights" you have voting "Privileges." There is a huge difference. Acceptance of benefits and privileges means you are subrogating your natural rights as a human being.

    Start learning the rules.

    Winston Shrout

    Doug Riddle A4V

    HJR 192

  23. @ 2:43

    Show me a country that is not a corporation. Literally. Every single one is listed on Dunn and Bradstreet. Ever "Gov." agency, every city, every township, every court, every police department. In England, MPs are listed on D&B. This is not a thought experiment. This is not an allusion. "One way to define it." Ok, I define a Corporation as a fictitious entity that exists to show a profit that has been registered with the Crown.

    ALL. GOVs. ARE. CORPs.

    Voting is the worst thing you can do.

    It shows that you are part of the criminal enterprise, because you are consenting to the system. It is evidence that you are an accessory.

    It does not change A THING, as the system cannot be used to change itself. (Why would the owners allow that?!)

    The "Democracy" we live in (and unfortunately...VERY unfortunately it IS a Democracy, just like most Dictatorships the world over) refers to the Corporate Judiciary and Congress Assembled. They vote, and things happen. How they vote is based on whatever makes their stock go up. Not the "LAW." The law is whatever they say it is, as the "Constitution" as written was never adopted. It does not limit them.

    "Stop voting and then you have a Corporation"


    Show me a Corporation without a Board of Directors and Shareholders/Employees. The BoD (Congress Assembled and the Judiciary) make the big decisions. The Shareholders/Employees (The Pee-ons that "Vote" in the rigged elections) get to choose the Cafeteria food, nothing more. Plus they are saying "We are fine with this Criminal, Fraudulent, and Loathesome system. Don't change a thing. Oh, and we endorse anything you do."

    Bad news for the Sheeple that voted in any election since 1787. They are personally cuplpable for the actions of every president that was elected in any election they participated in. Meaning if you participated in an Election where King George the II was elected, you are an accessory to the murders done by that administration, regardless of who you "voted" for. Starting to "get it?"

    True Democracy is the antithesis of freedom, as it allows the (usually) moronic Majority to drown out the voice of the Minority. And, what usually happens is the Majority will "vote" themselves goodies until the whole enterprise collapses under its own fraud.

    Courts are banks. This is why judges ignore the law. NEVER argue LAW in a court. NEVER hire an "ATTOURNey" (look up the word "Attourn:" it means return property to the Crown). When you are invited to these banks, you are "CHARGED" (hmmm, not accused) with a crime ($$$$). The only decision is how much it is going to cost you. 95% of all court cases end with conviction. The only reason it is not 100% is so the Sheep think there is a chance for "Justice."

    Look up the definition of a Citizen. It means employee. There are almost no Citizens in the US, as it required you to be born on Federal Property, and I know almost no one that was born in a courthouse, a police station, or a military base. There are a fair number born in D.C., but compared with the vast NON-Federal territory that comprises the rest of the Confederation, there are almost none.

    Also, you don't have voting "Rights" you have voting "Privileges." There is a huge difference. Acceptance of benefits and privileges means you are subrogating your natural rights as a human being.

    Start learning the rules.

    Winston Shrout

    Doug Riddle A4V

    HJR 192

  24. Oh, another good site that discusses the Gov. = Corp. is:

    Watch the video. It's free, and quite entertaining.

    They are another good piece of the puzzle, but we need to get the various components talking to each other. Synthesizing everything together (Ed Rivera's bombshell revelation about the Un-Adopted Constitution, Winston's and Doug's info about commercial intercourse, and John's info on your own truly free nature all come together. Check it out!

  25. 8:59 you sound like you are on to somthing, so dark and cynical. Have you ever considered that thier are powers and princeipalties, spirits of wickedness in high places, that controll all of what you do, hear and say? That is why you must fast, vo out into the desert of your mind and clear out all the noise and distractions, and deceptions so tbat you may really see the overlords of this world. In other words you are in one huge nightmare


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