
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The 13 Signs of a Societal Collapse

Tess Pennington

There are times when I sit and think about the collision course this country is on and the so-called leaders who put us here. It is excruciating to watch and see the signs that no one wants to see. Rather than being perceptive to what is going on around them, many have chosen to blindly go about their life and spend there hard-earned money on what the television tells them to buy instead of what they need in order to live. We are quickly running out of time to prepare for what may be the biggest collapse we have seen in our lifetime. History has always repeated itself, and if we sit idly by and ignore these historical repetitions, then we have wasted the precious time we have left. Take notice of these significant signs and be ready for their impact.

One day enough signs will occur and there will be a complete and utter collapse. And only then will people wake up to their new reality and wonder how this could have happened. How many signs do people need to witness before they begin to see the chain reaction of a collapse? The signs are here folks, what are you going to do?


  1. Excellently written.
    Your opening statement is spot-on. It seems as if the majority of the population is oblivious to this CRISIS.

  2. This is the first time I have seen a huge white family living under one house, 17 people. Usually once they are 18 they move out. With the economy like this who can afford to move out to their own apartment? America is becoming third world country for sure.

  3. Ahhh you born and raised Americans...Firstly let me say that we Americans are a spoiled, UNHAPPY, narcissistic, materialistic bunch.

    Best times I had were poor, crowded BUT loved...I'm not talking starving poor but "The Walton's" poor.

    Worst time I had was when I "owned" property and was making money hand over fist BUT was sad, undersexed, STRESSED and fat to boot.

    The whole better to eat beans and tortillas in peace than steak in fear fits the picture.

    If we looked at this situation as the push we NEED to get ethics, morals, education, proper ideology, physical fitness back in gear we would see the great opprtunity.

    Instead we are crying because all the stuff we took for granted that we "Borrowed" or "Stole" from other people is not longer being allowed.

    Learn to garden, raise chickens, martial arts, weapon training, learn to cook cheaply butwith flavor etc etc.

    About a year ago I read an article on some fat white couple in New Jersey with 3-4 kids, both fat, unemployed, smokers, drinkers and not doing anything but moping because the husband lost his job.

    The story was supposed to make me feel pity for them...All I felt was anger because they now had a chance to start up, let go of their house (Dead weight), move in with family, exercise, go to school, stop smoking and drinking...Instead they just wanted to wait and wait and hope that someone would fix their lives.

    Some people need help most of us just need a kick to the ass to get us going.

  4. 1:21 good post and unique perspective


  5. "Usually once they are 18 they move out. With the economy like this who can afford to move out to their own apartment?"

    18 year olds have never been able to afford their own place. The ones who do pretend usually end up in debt and back home in a few years. Those who are patient, stay living at home and cultivate their skills and character do better in the long run.

    The difference today is that this is becoming more evident. The corporate media has done a fine job brainwashing each generation into believing you're some kind of loser for living at home, or you're going to be poor if you don't go to college. Truth is that the bankers want people to move into separate places and go to school.

    There are no jobs for any college graduates, but their acquired debt is someone else's profit.


    You made a strange contradiction:

    "Best times I had were poor, crowded BUT loved..."

    "Worst time I had was when I "owned" property and was making money hand over fist BUT was sad, undersexed, STRESSED and fat to boot..."

    "If we looked at this situation as the push we NEED to get ethics, morals, education, proper ideology, physical fitness back in gear we would see the great opprtunity..."

    "Learn to garden, raise chickens, martial arts, weapon training, learn to cook cheaply butwith flavor etc etc..."

    -- So why the need for the ambition? You claim you were fat and stressed making money, then complain about people who are fat, drinking, and not making money.

    Which one is it? Are poor people fat and miserable, or is that reserved for the wealthy types? If I'm going to be happier poor, why would you encourage me to find ways to make a living?

    Most people don't have time to search for a romantic partner, it's even harder to find someone you connect with. But if you were upset at being undersexed, why could you not pay for a call girl or something if sex was all you wanted? Why would being poor suddenly make it more possible for you to get sex minus perhaps, you're not as busy?

    lol. I agree with you about the extra property being a stupid decision for people to move apart from family. Why the extra bills when everyone can hold onto extra cash while having an easier time putting energy into their selves?

    I tried to suggest my two other families (siblings) move back in. Nope... but Americans are in for a rude awakening. Having to share the remote control will be the least of their agonies.

  6. @8:12 What I meant was: "Best times I had were (when I was) poor..."

    The whole City & Country Mouse fable incarnate.

    By the way check out what Jason Scott Lee is doing...Happy living an amazing life off the grid...Check "52 Brushes with Greatness."

    BUT you usually do need money to start something like that...But if you can get it and then downsize...Wow!

  7. as people move back in together--sales will drop. no more separate items for separate houses, mowers, ladders, tools all sorts, even things like boats. seeing many things being sold used now, it's the trend. dropping sales, layoffs, declining hrs/pay..and bank losses..a spiral down...glub glub glub. don't worry though, they bail out the banks, we pay for it. fed opened loan window to the EU again..bailout them too.


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