
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Fighting Liberal Lies!

Jim Hayett

September 2, released the jobs numbers for August. Zero net jobs were created and a month like this has not been seen since 1945. After three plus years of promise after promise that only he (Obama) could fix and grow our economy and better our global reputation and position as the world’s leader through his well-disguised “hope and change” platform, our great nation is heading towards more disaster. The complete opposite of what Obama and the Pelosi/Reid run Washington promised. Add in Obama’s debt that pushed our AAA rating down a notch, and we can all see what his legacy will look like. Those are two “firsts” that will hurt Obama and the democrats in 2012.

Also in his plan is a better tax code. Huntsman believes we need to lower tax rates on individuals and businesses with individual tax rates at 8%, 14% and 23% and eliminate "all deductions and credits." The double tax on capital gains and dividends would also be removed along with the Alternative Minimum Tax. The Corporate tax rate will fall to 25% from 35%, and tax our US Corporation’s on a territorial system. This will help US firms return capital sitting in overseas accounts that can't currently, under our tax code, come back to the US. One would think that all the “hope and change” would have at least done some good. Sadly, nothing but economic disaster has followed. And the word respects us even less. How’s that “hope and change” working for ya liberals?


  1. Bush is to blame for tyhis last months zero net gain !

    Don't worry though; because Obama is going to speak on Thursday! mark it on your calendar!

    What he says and does will take us out of this mess; just like he has led us out of the other messes that Bush and Clinton have gotten us into

  2. Until the Constitution is adopted, partisan politics is mental wanking. Voting in any election is tacit approval for whatever happens. Everything that is being done is perfectly legal according to the US Code (to my everlasting disgust).

    If you vote, you have no right to bitch.

    Change the system first, THEN talk of details.

    HJR 192

    Winston Shrout

    Doug Riddle A4V

  3. Exactly. Obviously the common liberal hates America but loves what is taking place (destruction). To the average republican who boasts about constitutional rights, what is unconstitutional, and all that... have you ever read the constitution!?

    Everything you see "them" doing is legal constitutionally. It is a farce for one very simple reason - it can be amended.

    To say we can do better than it is not unlike what the founders did themselves. In their day that was crazy talk. So why should we omit their audacity for own lack of confidence and courage?

  4. @ 9:59

    The "founders" were self-interested traitors. The final battle of the Revolutionary War was lost, and we simply got another "King." (Look up Shays's Rebellion). Washington was a dictator, who knew very well every word of the Constitution, and that by avoiding taking the oath to adopt it, was simply assuming the role of his namesake in England.

    The whole left-right paradigm is designed to keep the people occupied and squabbling over nothing. To whit, if you want to see the true continuum, imagine this:

    here is an example of the current continuum


    Now everyone thinks that their particular location on the continuum is superior. The problem is, the TRUE continuum requires "rotating" this linear continuum 90 degrees. It then looks like this:


    So you see, no matter where you move on the "Liberal-Moderate-Conservative" continuum, you end up all the way down near Tyranny.

    Have YOU ever read the Constitution? Article VI talks about adoption, specifically what is required for adoption of the Constitution. It requires an oath to "support this constitution." This oath also confers the "Office of President" on the POTUS/POTUSA (there are three different presidents mentioned in the Constitution). No one has ever occupied the Office of President, only POTUS/POTUSA. There is a requirement to be 14 years a resident of the UNITED STATES to hold the Office of President, no requirements for the other two. This is why Washington and Obama are both able to be POTUS/POTUSA but NOT hold the Office of President. Washington would not have been 14 years a resident until July 4th 1790, but was "sworn in" (with an inferior oath to the prescribed article VI oath) in 1789. Obama is VERY PLAINLY(!!!) not even born here (by his own admission even!), but he never took the oath for Office of the President, so there is no problem.

    What they are doing is NOT legal Constitutionally (it is legal according to the US CODE)- but that is irrelevant, because the Constitution is not a limiting document. It is an orphan, merely used as a "guideline" (in your best Geoffry Rush Cap. Barbosa accent) for the Federal power. The US Code uses the Dec. of Ind., Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordnance, and Constitution of 1787 as the four Organic Laws of the Code (please look it up so you know I am not kidding). This is proof positive that the Constitution was not adopted- if it were, the Articles of Confederation would have been REPLACED, and have no standing in law. Get the newest edition of the Code so there can be no doubt.

    You can amend the Constitution until you are blue in the face, and vote in or out as many Corporate executives as you want- NOTHING CHANGES until the Constitution is adopted. Like you said, we need to have the courage to insist that whichever dolt is elected next year takes the Article VI oath. This simple action will monkeywrench all the BS that has accumulated over the last 224 years. It will purge every single Alphabet agency, and remove 95% of the parasite Gov. employees.

    But to put blinders on and ignore or dispute the simple fact that the Constitution never applied to anyone is to keep trying the same thing and expecting a different result.


    Give Birth to the Republic!

    HJR 192

    Winston Shrout

    Doug Riddle A4V


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