
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Goldman Sachs Says That the Economic Collapse Is Coming

Jeff Taylor

In a private 54 page report Goldman Sachs is telling its top clients to bet on a massive financial collapse. The report, which was written by Goldman Strategist Alan Brazil and not meant for the eyes of the public, fell into the hands of the Wall Street Journal at the end of last week. From the report that the select got on August 16th it is obvious that GS thinks that a huge economic crash is coming, but they do have some nice juicy ideas on how a profit can be turned from it. This sort of thing has been written about in the past by bloggers, which has always been dismissed as pure conspiratorial fantasy. But this report was written by a top GS analyst.

On top of that the European debt crisis is just going to get worse, says the report, and there is also a whole raft of European financial institutions that are about to go pop. But are GS alone in thinking that a massive collapse is coming? One would suppose not as all the other financial institutions and government treasuries across the world are all reading just about the same data.

For the rest of us our jobs, houses and pensions are on the line as well as those of our children and grandchildren. But governments and banks don’t seem to be helping the little guy much do they?


  1. But Obama said the economy will not enter a depression just yesterday. The economy just needs jobs. That is why he is revealing plans to create jobs. So who is lying here?

  2. The end is near. Collapse commeth.

  3. Im a wigger and I take offense to that comment, 5:20. Maybe you need to smoke some 420 and sit down. The power of my karate chop is unparalleled. I broke 3 boards in class the other day and will soon get my purple belt. Goldman Sax is going down.

  4. 4:53 Are you serious? You can bet that ANY politician that is talking is also lying at the same time. Left or doesn't matter. They ALL have ruined this country TOGETHER as a team. Who do you think runs this country? American? Come on, really! Its the corporations and international banking cartels. I refuse to let my kids belive in this lie called The American Dream.


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