
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Killer Pentagon Program Runs Amok, A Microcosm of America’s Decline

John Stanton

Unless changes are made, continued waste and fraud will undercut the effectiveness of money spent in future operations, whether they involve hostile threats overseas or national emergencies here at home requiring military participation and interagency response. Responsibility for this state of affairs lies with Congress, the White House, federal departments, the military services, agency leadership, contractors, and individuals who abuse the system. Contract waste, fraud, and abuse take many forms: An ill-conceived project, no matter how well-managed, is wasteful if it does not fit the cultural, political, and economic norms of the society it is meant to serve, or if it cannot be supported and maintained. Poor planning and oversight by the U.S. government, as well as poor performance on the part of contractors, have costly outcomes: time and money misspent are not available for other purposes, missions are not achieved, and lives are lost. Commission on Wartime Contracting.

Witness today’s US civilian and military leaders. To them, American lives simply do not matter whether they are destroyed in battle in Iraq or Afghanistan, fired or laid off by states that are forced to cut budgets, jettisoned by businesses crushed by foreign competition, privatized in the mythical quest to save money, or cast-off as technology reduces the need for human labor.
What becomes of those Americans? When pensions, Social Security and Medicaid are cut, what becomes of those no longer considered productive, or in assisted living? Can Logan’s Run be far behind for all Americans?

Forgotten in the national frenzy over 911 are two events that reflect far more deeply the dysfunction and danger in state of the union: The non-response as Hurricane Katrina pummeled New Orleans—and the subsequent fall out--and the demise of Detroit, Michigan (lost 25 percent of its population). Where do displaced Americans go? A trillion dollars (US) goes for Iraq and Afghanistan reconstruction and training. Why not a trillion dollars (US) for reconstruction, education, vet benefits and training here at home? Americans do not take care of their Homeland or themselves. There is a big difference in securing the homeland and caring for it. As the Commission for Wartime Contracting put it, “The responsibility for this state of affairs lies with Congress, the White House, federal departments, the military services, agency leadership, contractors, and individuals who abuse the system.” To that add the American people.

1 comment:

  1. Give the PentaCon a break. They haven't been the same since that 'plane' hit.


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