
Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Worst Is Yet to Come

Wayne Allyn Root

I’ve made some uncannily accurate predictions in the past 3 years. Back in 2008, as I ran for vice president of the United States on the Libertarian Presidential ticket, I made a prediction I’m very proud of today. I said, “Voting for McCain is voting for four more years of Bush. But voting for Obama is voting for four years of Karl Marx.” How’s that working for you? I also predicted that Obama’s entire presidency would be devoted to saving the unions — the teachers union, government employees union, and auto union. Sure enough, the White House now comes adorned with a union label. The president’s forehead might as well be stamped SEIU. Obama’s signature initiative Obamacare affects every American citizen, except union members. Real life under Obama is more shocking than fiction. A year ago, while economists and Obama administration lackeys talked of a recovery, I publicly stated we’d never left the last recession and the worst was yet to come.

Hopefully we will learn important lessons from this painful episode: Socialism always sounds sexy, until your economy collapses and your government runs out of other people’s money. It’s always the same ending. You can’t put a “community activist” who has never run a business, created a job, or made a payroll, and has only one talent — reading teleprompters — in charge of the world’s biggest economy. This story was always going to end badly. That one was easy to predict.

1 comment:

  1. " It's always the same ending? Oh really ?
    Well, let;s just talk in about oh; say 8
    months or so - see what you have to say then


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