
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

American Jobs Act : Will $447 billion help?

The devastating effects of the worst financial crisis in the U.S. and the world has ever seen, has left many Americans unemployed. Most of them are on the verge of bankruptcy while others migrated to other shores, hoping for a better future. In early September 2011, USA President Barack Obama unveiled his long-awaited plan to revive the economy. The American Job Act, currently before the U.S. Congress, employers would be subject to EEOC discrimination claims if they do not hire a candidate without a job based on the fact that they are not currently employed. Like many entrepreneurs and managers, I have serious doubts of the American Job Act will produce many jobs in the United States. Obama wants to extend and expand the payroll tax cut that went into effect for employees this year. More Here...

1 comment:

  1. Flag Goofy Job Ads!

    Don't count on government intervention, it's time to take matters into our own hands. All of the job sites have a "flag" or "report" button on the pages the ads are hosted on. Click those buttons when you see an ad telling the unemployed not to apply, requiring a credit check for a position that does not handle money, or requiring a disproportionate amount of experience for a job (Such as 10 years of experience for an entry level position).

    It's time for the job seekers, the unemployed, and the employed who are just sick of what's going on to exercise their rights and...

    Flag Goofy Job Ads!


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