
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DIY tips to kick away Recession

Are we in a recession? Are we in a depression? For the business owner, does it really matter? No matter what the financial analysts call it, you have to be acutely aware of all aspects of the business in order to do more than survive. I've always been the Do-It-Yourself type. Even when I didn't have a clue what I was doing, I'd try it anyway. In the early days, it was because I couldn't afford to pay anyone to fix things when they broke. Survival skills aren't just limited to natural and economic calamities; it includes the city life as well. No matter what you have seen or heard, a recession is no match for Law of Attraction. Corporate downsizing, job losses, home foreclosures, and bankruptcies have been occurring at a rate that most of us haven't seen in our lifetime. More Here...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. well. what to you expect ?> I mean with michael and all !

  3. I am noticing a decided shift in this website's focus. That is to say, the site no longer finds economic articles that are usually not published by the big media sites; or articles inline with the site's main theme (i.e. the coming depression) All the editorial now seems to just focus on issues and tips you can find anywhere. I hope its only temporary because I really like this site, to bad about the editorial shift.

  4. Ive noticed the same thing actually. It seems to be based more on what the market is doing g at the time. That is to say, not dealing with the underlying issues l, but more of the outlook at the current time. When the market dips, or, when news is released that is either optimistic and / or pessimistic it seems to follow that trend. I'm not a big fan of that. Its evident that we are in a time of trouble, even though I prefer to remain optimistic I would still like to read and discuss real and underlying issues which aren't presented by the propaganda machine. They want people to spend and keep the flow of cash directed into their own pocket.

    My 2 and a half cents.

  5. I agree about the change in tone. If I want tips to beat the recession I can read the propaganda on CNN! This is not a recession - its a depression. Forty-seven million people are on food stamps - now imagime if they had to stand on line every day to get those stamps? Sounds like a lot of bread lines to me!


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