
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Kick the Recession in the...

The overwhelming fact is that over 15 million people are unemployed in the United States at the time of writing. Probably some of the most discouraged today are those who have lost their jobs. No job security no longer exists. Imagine this, after working for 30 years at the age of 49 and a half years and with a family of three to feed, Robert was laid off. This is not just the story of Robert but of two-third of the American population in every locality, every town and every city. Unemployment figures show that many Americans are losing their jobs at an alarming rate. As mergers, pay cuts and layoffs are an ever-present reality, independently preparing a "rainy day" is a good idea to say the least. More Here...

1 comment:

  1. The worse part is finding out that behind the scenes there is a massive discrimination by corporations of Not considering anybody over the age of 40. Which means that unless you leave the United States to work abroad that you are guaranteed never to wor again the rest of your life and are relegated to become a bum begging for handouts after they cut off the unemployment benefits and then the welfare checks...

    might as well say welcome to hell peasants we are the elite and we decided that your life has no value and the elites are ready to get rid of you.

    sayonara you dumb ass. Keep thinking that voting will make a difference,because it won't.


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