
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tourism-- Recession Prone industry

Although the American workforce continues to be exported to cheaper places like China or India, and the average American consumes more than they earn, it is comforting to know that there is an area where jobs are not exported, and the money comes from national sources and abroad and that industry is tourism. Take advantage of a steep, three-year fall of the dollar, the tourism industry is flourishing throughout the country, with a growing number of visitors from abroad. The increase in travel to the United States is the most effective form of economic stimulus package to support communities, injecting billions in the U.S. economy and creating millions of new American jobs. More Here...


  1. Those foreign tourists might be terrorists. We need to strip search them for IEDs. The TSA already doing a heck of a job.

  2. "The increase in travel to the United States is the most effective form of economic stimulus package to support communities, injecting billions in the U.S. economy and creating millions of new American jobs."

    REALLY? I'm sure having a nation full of cashiers and travel guides will make things splendid.

    Do you not understand part of the problem is exactly that? People thinking an economy operates as long as money is put into it and people have so called "jobs" to make it.

    The current economy, though certain to die, could be filled with every 16-60 year old working. The economy would still fall apart for the reason that there are people who inflate the currency without our consent.

    You can't have a recovery until the fiat currency and those who inflate it by printing money that does not exist are excised from our existence.

    There are places that exist that only offer people jobs like making clothes out of animal hide, or hunting... these people all eat equally well and share what they have happily (not under government force).

    So what about our dead end economy and lifestyles where we insist as long as you work at McDonalds then you're apart of the "hard working" patriots? Capitalists. Yet, this is the opposite mentality of capitalism.

    The founders didn't settle with being ripped off. They wanted something better. Today the so called patriots (mostly neocons) make dreamers look like foolish idiots, and those who end up with regular boring lives are big heroes. Don't mention if they served in the military... God fucking bless them because they had nothing better to do with their lives after high school!


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