
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

America's Failed Political System

When the 2012 elections finally roll around, Obama will very likely keep the White House. Why? Because the Republicans keep driving the economy down giving help and services to the top 1 percent while the middle class - the voters - are forgotten. Once again Americans will look to our weaker dominate party to fix things, when they can’t even agree amongst themselves.

Since taking back in power in 2010, the Republicans are still talking about stopping so-called “Obamacare,” and making abortion and immigration illegal. While they are talking a great deal, they are doing very little about their key issues and few Americans seem to care.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have been pushed further and further to the right to win conservative voters. Rather than looking out for the average guy, they too court the big corporations. Sure, they talk about us. They still have a few union friends and pretend to stick up for the minorities. But they too are doing very little to fight for the majority of Americans.

Politicians need to wake up to the fact that the American people are still talking about jobs. Obama gave us a very centrist jobs bill, but the point of it is very clearly to help him get re-elected. The jobs it creates will run out in 2013. Many of his Republican would-be replacements seem to think that mirroring the environmental protections, workers rights and education of most third world countries would be the best jobs plan. However, not many Americans are willing to fight for a job making $3 an hour, seven days a week.

It has been said before, but now more than ever it seems clear that what we are doing just isn't working. The fact is that America’s political parties are not able to represent the average American. They have proven this time and time again. The Occupy Wall Street movement is likely the largest evidence, although through all of their efforts, not much real change is taking place. Yes there is the corporate backed Tea Party, but if they were as powerful and anti-government as they like to see themselves, more Libertarians would have been elected back in 2010, not more Republicans. Read more....

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