
Thursday, November 24, 2011


The illegals here are getting free housing, welfare, food stamps etc, they can be found applying for it in health departments and human resource offices across the nation, that’s how they can work cheap! BTW Barry is backed by the muslim nations, it’s his job to destroy this country, they’ve paid for his schooling and political funds, he’s approaching a billion for the next election. The economy can’t recover until people are back to work, but jobs are outsourced to cheaper countries!

Most Americans just don’t care about this country and all companies located in the U.S. LIKE ACADEMY really just care about the dollar. Watch the video....


  1. Asshole says:

    "The illegals here are getting free housing, welfare, food stamps etc, they can be found applying for it in health departments and human resource offices across the nation, that’s how they can work cheap!"

    Wow. Have you totally not noticed the amount of teen girls in there also, ready to pop out their first baby at 15? I see plenty of white girls doing this lately, not just Hispanic lassies.

    Chick role models like Britney Spears and Lady Gaga really do well influencing girls to spread their legs and find an easy way out of life. What better way to do it than get pregnant then apply for government money? These role models aren't illegals BTW...

    You might not know this one either, a man who won two million dollars from a lottery is using food stamps, and he is white! Makes you wonder what kind of corruption really exists that the precious right wingers don't pay attention to.

    Asshole says:

    "BTW Barry is backed by the muslim nations, it’s his job to destroy this country,"

    How is Islam destroying America? For all I can see it's the drug using sex addicts in California, Hugh Hefner for instance, who have done the best job dumbing people down and breaking apart the family unit.

    Funny that, Hefner purposely uses college girls to act out his fantasies. This makes it look like he's not taking advantage of them. However, being in college is something anyone can do using loans and placement tests. College students today are as dim as anyone else.

    The girls he screws by granting them gifts have no self esteem - they too are finding an easy way out of life and only appear to be of a higher class than the girls going into economic security buildings applying for welfare. Clever individual.

    Generally, besides the fact that weirdos are present in every belief system, Islam supports monogamy, sobriety, and simple living. The extremists, factions created by the CIA, are the complete opposite. Based on their passion for rape and killing it is obvious these radicals are not friends of Islam. Why else would they slaughter their own people!?

    Perhaps ignorant bigots like Asshole are the reason I left the Tea Party. Go to these sites you'll see how prejudice they actually are, even though Beck tries to deny it.

    For the record I knew Herman Cain was a retard the second I watched him talk on Glenn Beck. Sadly, that's almost the pinnacle of intelligence for modern politicians.

  2. You are right. The worst things in American culture are being done by white folks, the playboy is a good example (dirty old man), and Britney with her 24 hour marriage (and Kim, she's not exactly a role model with her 72 day marriage).

  3. Congress is brokering America, not representing America. Congress is immune from insider trading laws and is bribed by lobbyists.

    What incentive is there for change?

    Taxpayers work for a living and politicians levy for a living.


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