
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Obama administration's attempt to "create jobs" didn't turn out so well

How President Obama Killed Thousands of Jobs

First, the good news: President Barack Obama has finally created some "green jobs." Now for the bad news: They are not in the United States, but in Finland.

Over the last several months, radical environmentalists along with Hollywood celebrity activists descended on the White House in protest, urging President Barack Obama to block the construction of the $7 billion pipeline that would bring in more than 700,000 barrels of oil per day from Alberta, Canada, to the Texas Gulf coast. Last week, they got their wish.

The creation of environmentally friendly jobs has been at the top of Barack Obama's policy agenda since coming into office. With the first of his now many jobs plans, the President set out to fulfill his campaign promise of spending $150 billion to create ten million green jobs. Alas, things didn't quite work out as planned.

Though the White House is loath to admit it, a recent analysis of the administration's stimulus program found that for each job created, taxpayers coughed up a stunning $278,000. Read more....

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