
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Santorum: pursuit of happiness harms America

Rick Santorum says that the pursuit of happiness is harming America

just another prick that believes nobody can be trusted to think for themselves and of course he knows what is best for everybody because he spends most of his life with his nose up everybody elses ass trying to figure out why they get everything wrong and he's as near to perfect as a man can be - the kind of guy who would yell at god for making a level playing field

hes a sad excuse for a christian..hes an ignorant bigot..who needs to be choke slame off a table...all he sees is a sinner written across there forhead...he needs to wake up..hes makeing christians look bad..he needs to read the bible thy neighbor as u love yrself..hes another obama...cant stand him...hes a lier and a he flip flops around..there gay..who gives a shit..just except and move the **** a christian..and i except gays for who there are..soo does god...Read more.....

1 comment:

  1. Someone on this website should proofread these posts before putting them up for view!


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