
Friday, March 30, 2012

When will America Collapse? Today's bad news provide a timeline to Economic Collapse

Double dip recessions, falling home prices, mortgage foreclosures, high unemployment, tight oil supply and rising sovereign debt are today's news. What does tomorrow hold for us? By examining today's news we can look at one possible scenario and the future isn't pretty.

The beginning has just begun. Balfour Beattie are to lose 12-15000 jobs soon. Petrol panic buying causing mayhem today in the UK. Soon the governments across the world will create anther 9/11 to scare the crap out of you. Meltdown is on its way and with that will come martial law. Our right to freedom have gone. America has fema camps trains all in place these are the new work camps.Our imprisonment has always been their but now we can clearly see what is coming. stockpile food and weapons. Read more.....


  1. The beginning to the end

  2. Going on "RAT" now!!!

  3. birthpangs..faster and faster. what evil beast it's time now come...

  4. these are real facts and glenn beck ? was on . in penna the school dist in the city of brotherly love is about to rid dozens of schools let alone the parochial tsunami. bank exec resigning ? you bet! ponzi scheme ? if i ever get my hands on a maddoff type, aghhh.. gas @ 4 per gallon ? who can afford anything ? here the bagpipes anyone ? when companies do mass advertising they are about to lose there shirts ... and sooo are the banks.

  5. I hope America falls. I love my country, but I am beginning to see how fucked up the GOVERNMENT truly is. We need a new form of government. We had gotten freedom way too fast and now look where it's gotten us. If you people don't know what I'm talking about, just think about it for a long time and you'll see what I mean. We got our freedom, too much, too fast.

  6. The liberals are corrupting americas youth to the point its not coming back.socialism. is americas cancer the ony way america can survive free traditional. America can needs to secede from socialist america

  7. Jobs are created at a local level, and a national policy like this can never take account of local factors. Furthermore, politicians, at any level, cannot be expected to have the expertise necessary to pull a country out of the economic crisis. Maybe, they should turn to professional economic crisis specialists, as already happens in the US. For example, the Orlando Bisegna Index, specialists in the economic crisis, apart from measuring the intensity of the econonomic crisis in many countries, have helped various counties with debt problems, business failures and unemployment, thus improving the economic condition of many families.


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