
Friday, April 13, 2012

The Imperial City

My fellow Americans, today we are going to try something new.

I am going to sit here and say what we all know is true... but which everyone is afraid to say.

I am going to talk about what made this country is great... but why it is risking its greatness.

This is what our leaders should be doing. This is what our leaders are paid to do. This is why we give them advisers... and airplanes to travel the world... and beautiful offices, just like this one.

But they don't do it. They won't do it.

So I will.

Let's start with a simple observation. Before World War II, before the New Deal, here is what Washington D.C. looked like. It was a backwater. A swampy, sleepy city where nothing much happened.

And that was by design. The founding fathers wanted Washington D.C. to be a city of inaction. Of limited power.

Today, it is the imperial city.

The Washington D.C. metropolitan area is the wealthiest area of the country. And yet it boasts only one industry - the government. Only one major employer - the government. And only one product - more government. Read more....



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    نقل عفش من الرياض الى جدة نقل عفش من الرياض الى جدة


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