
Saturday, May 5, 2012

“People Don’t Want to Believe It”

It’s hard to imagine an America where the fundamental laws of the land have been stripped away. Those founding principles that, for the better part of two centuries, made America the last bastion of true freedom in the world, so much so that millions of tired, poor, and huddled masses yearned to breathe free on our soil. These God-given rights, inherent to all men – the right to speak our minds no matter the unpopularity of our message, the right to carry a gun for personal protection, the right to be secure in our persons and possessions, and the right to be presumed innocenct and not robbed of life or liberty without fair trial – are and have been under assault for decades.

In his latest interview with the SGT Report, forecaster Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute warns of the multi-pronged attack on our liberty and suggests we are well on our way to living in a country not dissimilar to that of Hitler’s Third Reich. While the signs are all around us and as clear as day to those paying attention, a large portion of our population, like that of Germany in the 1930′s, simply doesn’t understand what’s happening, or they bury their heads in the sand so as to avoid ruffling the feathers of the all powerful and entrenched American Police State. Read more......

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