
Friday, May 4, 2012

Real Facts About the Obama Economy

A couple of stories here from the Associated Press. The first one: "US Applications for Unemployment Aid Drop Sharply -- The number of people seeking unemployment benefits fell last week by the most in nearly a year. The figure was a hopeful sign that hiring could pick up in coming months."

This is a seesaw. Just yesterday we had the news from ADP that new jobs were paltry, 119,000. Now, this report contradicts what ADP put out yesterday. "US Applications for Unemployment Aid Drop Sharply," which means fewer people are supposedly out of work.

Now, we've told you before, both the AP and Reuters have made this claim for about six weeks. Back on April 5th, a month ago, AP's headline: "US Unemployment Claims Hit Four-Year Low of 357,000." Today's headline: "US Applications for Unemployment Aid Drop Sharply," and the first sentence talks about it being lower than it's been in three months. Reuters on March 29th: "Jobless Claims Fall to Four-Year Low in Latest Week." They keep talking about how great it is, and then every week the number is revised. Read more......

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