
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Resettlement Camps: May Be Performed As DOMESTIC Civil Support Operations

We’ve known for years that the U.S. Military has been preparing for civil unrest and riot response within the continental United States. Likewise, the Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security and various other government alphabet agencies have been actively preparing for how to handle natural and man-made crises that include everything from large scale economic collapse to war and asteroid strikes.

As a part of the national security apparatus’ continuity of government and emergency response plans it has been theorized for years that any emergency or event of national significance would be met with Presidentially decreed martial law which would call for the deployment of the National Guard and other armed forces assets on the streets of America. Up until recently these ideas have floated in the realm of conspiracy theory. The notion that the U.S. military would patrol American streets, or that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has established scores of refugee relocation facilities capable of housing tens of thousands of inmates, or that Americans could be detained without charge or trial indefinitely, has for some time been reserved for those on the fringe – the tin foil wearing lunatics who spend their free time dissecting covert government activities and mainstream media propaganda. Read more.....

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