
Friday, May 11, 2012

This Now Poses Huge Dangers to the Continent

One of the lone voices of reason in the European Union Parliament, the UK’s Nigel Farage, outlines the dangerous consequences facing the whole of the European continent as unemployment and tempers rage, debts pile up, and lack of access to basic necessities in some afflicted regions takes its toll.

In his impassioned plea to EU leaders Farage warns of the rise of extreme political environments on the right and left of the spectrum, and urges Parliament members to take the necessary step of breaking up the union by releasing debt-ridden nations instead of further impoverishing them. A failure to act, cautions Farage, leaves Europe facing the prospect of mass civil unrest and nationalistic revolution.

Like Communism, this has all gone badly wrong, and the EU titanic has now hit the iceberg.

It is a European Union of economic failure, of mass unemployment, of low growth; but worst of all it’s an EU with the economic prison of the Euro.

This now poses huge dangers to the continent. Read more......

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