Friday, September 21, 2012

Agenda 21: A Sustained Attack On Property Rights

In a video produced by Infowars Nightly News journalists Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton, University of Texas professor Dean Almy attempts to downplay one of the central tenets of the United Nations’ Agenda 21 – property confiscation.

Almy argues that the word “collective” used by the Agenda 21 crowd is not some sort of Soviet buzzword. It’s simply people getting together to make decisions about their communities.

But despite his attempt to soften the blow of collectivism and make it more palatable and less threatening, Almy told the Texas Tribune in August that the “collective good” should rule over the rights of the individual.
“It’s changing the status quo of how we operate as a country that is developing, and so it’s threatening to some people,” Almy said. “Urban design by its nature is about the collective good, and it isn’t necessarily about the freedom of any one person to do whatever the hell they want.”

Almy’s remark and the entire philosophy of Agenda 21 represent a frontal assault on the very cornerstone of our republic – property rights and the natural right of free individuals to “do whatever the hell they want” so long as they do not infringe on the rights of other individuals.

For the men who framed the Constitution, the right to property was paramount. It was the foundation of all other rights. Christopher Collier and James Lincoln Collier write in Decision in Philadelphia that the founders had “an almost religious respect” for property, declared “the rights of property were inviolable” and regarded the Constitution as the embodiment of property rights. Read more.....

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