
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Education After the Collapse: School When There Is No Classroom

That controversial “Piss Christ” artwork is coming to New York City again, and GOP Congressman Michael Grimm isn’t happy about it. The work in question is a photo of a crucifix placed in the urine of artist Andres Serrano and has long been a magnet for the ire of conservative pols. Accordingly, Mr. Grimm released a four paragraph statement this afternoon where he accused the Obama administration of hypocrisy due for making efforts to quell the deadly Islamic protests abroad by criticizing a video that mocked Muhammad while remaining silent on Mr. Serrano’s photo.

“The Obama administration’s hypocrisy and utter lack of respect for the religious beliefs of Americans has reached an all-time high,” Mr. Grimm explained. “Perhaps they’ve forgotten the controversy that surrounded this deplorable piece depicting a crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine.”

View Mr. Grimm’s full missive below:

“The Obama administration’s hypocrisy and utter lack of respect for the religious beliefs of Americans has reached an all-time high.  Our own government has just launched on-air ads in Pakistan apologizing for the anti-Islam video that has sparked unrest throughout the region.  Earlier, they asked YouTube to take down the trailer to the controversial film, a request which was denied.

“Now as the controversial ‘Piss Christ’ art exhibit makes its return to NYC, the administration remains silent.  Perhaps they’ve forgotten the controversy that surrounded this deplorable piece depicting a crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine. It outraged Christians in America and throughout the world as the touring exhibit was met with protests and acts of vandalism. Read more.....


  1. What a controversial news i have ever read. It is strange. Piss Christ is new for me.

  2. Religion doesn't cause deaths, people do. Though many atrocities have been caused by so-called religious individuals, many good things have come from religious people/groups too. Also, not every religion is equal, some are better than others; just like people, cultures, ideas etc...What proof do you have that the world would be a better place without religion? I can think of a few countries that aren't religious and they aren't the best places to be living in. I think your comment is ignorant.


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