
Monday, September 17, 2012

The Human Cost: “Your Life And The Lives of Those You Love Are Just Pawns On Their Chessboard”

There is no single event that has brought the world to the crisis which we now face. It’s been a coordinated, long-term plan whose seeds were sown decades ago.

It will soon come to a head on an economic and geo-political scale, and the consequences will be severe for most of the seven billion people on this planet.

It should be clear that military intervention in Syria and Iran isn’t being considered; it’s a forgone conclusion, just as it was in Iraq and Libya. The U.S. is actively working to create the context which gives them the diplomatic cover to do what they already have planned.

The motive for these invasions and covert actions becomes clear when we look at them in their full context and connect the dots. Those who control the United States understand that even if a few countries begin to sell their oil in another currency it will set off a chain reaction and the dollar will collapse.

They understand that there is absolutely nothing else holding up the value of dollar at this point, and so does the rest of the world. But rather than accepting the fact that the dollar is nearing the end of its lifespan, The Powers That Be have made a calculated gambit.

They have decided to use the brute force of the U.S. military to crush each and every resistant state in the middle east and Africa. That in itself would be bad enough. Read more.....

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