
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mitt Romney Has Been Telling A Huge Whopper About The Auto Industry, And His Campaign Is Finally Paying For It

Mitt Romney is facing intense pushback today over a new Ohio campaign ad that appears to suggest — falsely — that Chrysler is moving U.S. jobs to China.

The ad doubles down on a statement that Romney made on the campaign trail last week, when he told a crowd in Defiance, Ohio, that Chrysler was moving production on its Jeep models from Ohio to China.

“I saw a story today that one of the great manufacturers in this state, Jeep, now owned by the Italians, is thinking of moving all production to China," Romney said. "I will fight for every good job in America.”

The claim is completely misleading and false, and provoked an outcry from Democrats and reporters . The report, from Bloomberg, actually said that Chrysler is talking about adding Jeep production in China in order to serve the Chinese market. Jeep production in North America would continue unchanged.

Chrysler even sought to clarify this in a blog post last week: 

"Jeep has no intention of shifting production of its Jeep models out of North America to China. It’s simply reviewing the opportunities to return Jeep output to China for the world’s largest auto market. U.S. Jeep assembly lines will continue to stay in operation. A careful and unbiased reading of the Bloomberg take would have saved unnecessary fantasies and extravagant comments." Read more....


  1. Production will love to italy first and then china. Bet the farm on it.

  2. Romney exports jobs and then whines about redistribution.


      “FIRST THING IS, I WANT TO SEE IS US EXPORT MORE JOBS”: (“Remarks by the President at Kent State University,” The White House, 9/26/2012)

      While the President maintains his words were a “mistake,” the simple fact remains that the Democrats’ failed policies like the stimulus have created jobs in countries all over the world:

      $69.5 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN FRANCE: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,”, 10/29/2010)

      $130.5 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN JAPAN: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,”, 10/29/2010)

      $178 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN AUSTRALIA: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,”, 10/29/2010)

      $333 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN PORTUGAL: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,”, 10/29/2010)

      $474.4 MILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN GERMANY: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,”, 10/29/2010)

      $1.1 BILLION FOR CREATING JOBS IN SPAIN: (Eugene Kiely, Lara Seligman, Lauren Hitt and Melissa Siegel, “Stimulus Jobs in China?,”, 10/29/2010)

      DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY STUDY: 60% OF THE LARGEST WIND FARMS RECEIVING STIMULUS FUNDS “RELIED ON FOREIGN MANUFACTURERS FOR THEIR CENTRAL COMPONENTS”: (Tom Hamburger, Carol D. Leonnig and Zachary A. Goldfarb, “Obama’s Record On Outsourcing Draws Criticism From The Left,” The Washington Post, 7/9/2012)

      EVEN SOME SENATE DEMOCRATS SLAMMED THE STIMULUS THEY SUPPORTED FOR OUTSOURCING: “In the wake of a new report revealing that a clean-energy grant program in the stimulus has paid out more than $1 billion to foreign manufacturers, U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), Bob Casey (D-PA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Jon Tester (D-MT) urged the Obama administration Wednesday to suspend the program indefinitely until the law can be fixed so that funds only flow to projects that will create jobs in the United States.” (Press Release, “Schumer, Casey, Brown & Tester Urge Obama Administration To Suspend Stimulus Program Funneling Billions Overseas,” Office Of Sen. Charles Schumer, 3/3/2010)

      INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING WORKSHOP: 79% OF FIRST $2 BILLION WENT TO FOREIGN COMPANIES: (Press Release, “Schumer, Casey, Brown & Tester Urge Obama Administration To Suspend Stimulus Program Funneling Billions Overseas,” Office Of Sen. Charles Schumer, 3/3/2010)

      That's only for starters.

  3. Retards !

    so many People seen to think in a job created in China equals one less job in the USA ?

    This is a democratic simple minded view like cutting a pie at home
    The pie does not shrink or grow it is the same size no matter how many folks get a piece and the more folks the smaller the piece each gets.

    The reality is more complex and some times creating a job in
    China or India or Vietnam actually can over time create 2 jobs in the USA because those folks in China want manufactured products and if we can produce them here we can sell them there.

    The big problem

    Government stymies the ability of American Companies to build anything here with regulations and taxes.

    Not Anonymous
    but not willing to play by your rules

    1. Yes, that is why American companies take their business elsewhere, due to high taxation and regulation.

      Then you have crony capatilism, which is also caused by gov't intervention. People's definition of this varies, but in the end it involves the gov't meddling in free market affairs, or vice-versa.

      Big gov't is the problem! And they want to manage our healthcare? No thank you.

    2. Anonymous 11:21 "China or India or Vietnam actually can over time create 2 jobs in the USA because those folks in China want manufactured products and if we can produce them here we can sell them there."

      Explain how the above countries can create 2 jobs here and approximately how long it would take? I don't want a smaller piece of the pie. I would like more pies so everyone doesn't end up with a lousy sliver of a piece or hardly a piece at all. Your pie analogy is silly.


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