
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Prepper Loneliness: Strategies for Staying Sane and Forging Worthwhile Connections

Feeling alone or that you’re the only one who “gets it” is not uncommon for us Preppers. I’m not referring to the stereotypical Doomsday Prep…well, you know what I’m talking about. On the journey toward greater Self-Reliance (The Journey), we often find ourselves saving up for another important purchase, working on that project until we get it right, trying to perfect that recipe so we can move on to the next one, burning more midnight oil through studying, etc. Those periods of learning can be downright difficult at times. Independence has never been won without the ransom being paid…in FULL.

I’ve found that the greatest tool in fighting feelings of loneliness during The Journey is having a network you can call on. If you’re like me, it’s also possible to feel lost in a group of folks. I like what Ex-Navy SEAL David B. Rutherford has said about living the “Team Life”,

You and I are not likely to be training to become SEALs or go through the “hammering sessions” in which those professionals have to become accustomed to thriving. They live a brutal life in their professions and the toll on their personal lives is great. Out of necessity, the bonds forged with their Teammates will propel them along their paths in order to accomplish their missions and never leave one of their own behind. Read more....

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