
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Red List: Prepper Put on No Fly List, Escorted Off Plane Under Armed Guard

Up until recently the existence of a national “red list” of domestic dissidents and potential terrorists existed only within the realm of conspiracy theory and Hollywood story lines.

But what if such a red list did exist?

What if all of those tracking and monitoring mechanisms being put into place by the Department of Homeland Security, the National Security Administration and the Central Intelligence Agency are now being utilized to identify and take action against American citizens who may pose a perceived threat to the security and stability of the United States government?

Yes, it sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, but you’d better believe that it’s happening, and it’s happening right here and now.

    When 34-year-old U.S. citizen and Mississippi resident Wade Hicks boarded a military flight to visit his wife, a Navy lieutenant stationed in Okinawa, Japan, he did not think it would be a one-way trip. Stopping off in Hawaii to refuel, upon reboarding the plane, Hicks was quickly escorted back off again by armed guards. He was then taken to a secure interrogation room where Hicks was informed he would not be flying anywhere because he turned up on the no-fly list.

    Hicks has since been stranded on the island state without a way home. Read more...

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