
Monday, November 5, 2012

“We Are Surrounded By a Nation of People Who Will Not Step Out of Their Perceived Reality”

We’re days out from a Presidential election whose outcome will determine the future of the United States – or will it?

According to Charlie McGrath of Wide Awake News, it’s too late to change the disastrous path we’re on, and it makes no difference at this point whether President Obama remains in the Oval Office or Mitt Romney takes the helm.

    Video (below) via SGT Report:

    We are surrounded by a nation of people that cannot and will not step out of their perceived reality. They have a normalcy bias and they’re hanging on to it to the bitter end.

    We can have a government, we can have a mainstream media that warns for a week, non-stop 24/7, “we’re going to have the worst storm in the history of the planet hit the east coast and affect 60 million people,” and we still have people in the largest city in the United States of America fighting for gasoline, pulling guns on one another, punching each other in the face over gasoline, diving into dumpsters for food, fighting for food… In the United States, in 2012, after a week-long warning that this monster storm was coming.

    Can you, for one second, imagine what is coming to the shores of this nation when we have a sovereign debt landmine explode, a credit freeze, and you have people from coast to coast who go to an ATM machine and it just doesn’t work? Read more....

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