
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We're Not in 1980 Anymore

For months, conservatives have been likening the conditions of the 2012 presidential race to that which saw the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. The American Spectator's own Jeffrey Lord proclaimed that President Obama could be beaten handily “because the past four years really have been Jimmy Carter's second term.”

Victor Davis Hanson of National Review Online put it this way:

    What does 1980 tell us about 2012? Barack Obama, like Carter, can run neither on his dismal four-year stewardship of the economy nor on his collapsing Middle East policy.

Hanson went on to write:

    The winner probably won't be decided by old video clips, gaffes, or even campaign money, but by turnout and the October debates -- depending on whether incumbent Obama comes across as a petulant Carter and challenger Romney appears an upbeat Reagan. As in 1980, voters want a better president -- but they first have to be assured he's on the ballot.

Well, Obama did come across as petulant in the debates while Romney was upbeat. And yet it wasn't enough. At the end of the day, despite Obama's dismal economic record and an ineffectual Middle East policy, his well-oiled organization turned out his vote and Romney could not. Romney could not break through in key states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan nor could he put Ohio and Florida back in the Republican column. Read more....


  1. Difference today is 47% are riding in the wagon and the uneducated just want free shit.

  2. You are right. I give up. I'm quitting my job and I'm joining the party of "free stuff". From now on I'm going to claim I'm half Indian and half hispanic. Give me free stuff!! I'm going down to the SS office tomorrow and apply for SSI. Hola!

  3. I, too, will start announcing my ethnic background so that I may get free stuff and special treatment. I also will not work as hard so that someone else may benefit from my hardwork. I will do the bare minimum required of me! Actually, I will stop working so that I may collect unemployment since they tend to pay just as much if not a little more than some jobs.

  4. ah..umm kwanzi 365 days a year! I'm not going to have to worry about buying gas, or paying a mortgage. I took cares of Obama's and he's gonna take of mes!!! Free cellphones yipee!!!! Free health care!!!! The rich gonna pay and we get things for freeeeee!

  5. Americans need help. Plain and simple. So what a MOM gets assistance for her KIDS. Our children are our future and if you keep this negativity then thats all they see. Stop critizing and make a difference. Do your part. And by the way we took this country from the Indians you cant discover land thats already inhabited. And yes we put blacks in slavery. So yes they deserve a little bit of help

    1. I apologize for the repeat at the end.

  6. They have figured out that the more babies they have the more they get paid. I even know people w/kids that decide not to get married so that they continue to get their gov't checks!

  7. It' a full time job being a freeloader, at least in their warped world of entitlement.

    All we can do now is enjoy the show. They dollar is going to crash and these zoo animals will starve to death as their caretakers turn away. They served their purpose on November 6th and are useless now.

    God have mercy on their souls.

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