Friday, August 28, 2009

America is in Utter Denial of its Fiscal Catastrophe

(snippet by Stewart Dougherty he is a specialist in inferential analysis)
To those who study the numbers, it is now obvious that America’s fiscal situation is hopeless. Given the country’s current debt and unfunded liabilities of $75,000,000,000,000, an amount growing by at least $5,000,000,000,000 per year, it will be statistically impossible for the United States to pay its obligations unless it repudiates them in large measure, or the dollar is sacrificed on the altar of searing, society-altering inflation.

Congress and much of the nation are in utter denial about the country’s unfolding fiscal catastrophe, as evidenced by federal spending that is actually accelerating, producing all-time debt and deficit records that exceed anything ever experienced by any nation on earth, at any time in history.

Denial is a psychotropic, mind-altering drug that by comparison makes crack cocaine look like health food, and addiction to it shuts down the brain. America’s denial about its out-of-control spending, non-repayable debt, financial sector fraud and deceit, decadent political institutions, epic dereliction of leadership duty, fiscal and monetary immorality, and disastrously dishonest system of cronyism is leading the nation into an economic nuclear winter of desolation and chaos. Aside from Ron Paul, there is not one politician telling the people the truth about their oncoming debt enslavement and impoverishment; nor is there even one sign of constructive fiscal change on the horizon. Our visionless, gutless and greed-stricken leaders have transformed the United States into a cowardly new world.



  1. Total bullshit.

    Every single one of our 'leaders' knows exactly what is going on, is in on the plan, knows what the FEMA camps are for, knows what the plan is, and lies to their constituents with a straight face.

    This author of this article is the one living in denial.

  2. I agree with you Anon 9:18.

    Our leaders are not stupid nor are they making "dumb" decisions. These people are highly educated and are far from stupid. The elites know what they are doing and it's been planned for many decades.

  3. The leaders of the US are not fools. They pretty well know what's going on. But they want to loot the american people even more. See what Goldman Sachs et. al. are doing.

    But I think they want to squeeze the last dollar out of the taxpayer for their own benefit.

  4. I think you have the wrong people. Its true Congress and the public are in denial. The elite have NOTHING to do with Congress. "They" (Congress) are given instructions and told not to question the "leaders". Sort of like the nazi guards, we know that its wrong but are following instructions. Only a given few know the real Agenda, the rest of us just wonder and guess...Both of you guys above are WRONG..

  5. RE: 10:00 AM

    The public is in no way in denial.

    The public is misinformed, purposefully.

    Hence, my suspicion you're just a shill for those that are purposefully misinforming the public.

    Make sense?

  6. 10:27 you know its wrong. You know the difference between right and wrong because your parents and teachers taught you. The public is not misinformed because they, us and you were taught to obey instructions. But you know its wrong. You do it because you were told. Its called brainwashing. Get it?

  7. 10:35 - Lake of fire! Yes, the House of El. It is hot down there because the Sun of God goes down there are night. Why do people continually bring up astrotheology/mythology into a logical discussion of economics?

    Let's leave the tooth fairy, Santa and Jesus for other blogs - there are many of them to discuss the Sun and his 12 'DISCiples' of the Zodiac lol.

  8. Digital.hero - you are correct 100%.

  9. 11:52 you're a joke. The Gov't told you to take a loan out and pay the interest, you obeyed. The Gov't told you to vote for Obama, you obeyed. The Gov't told you the recession's over, you believed and obeyed. The Gov't told you there is a war, you obeyed and sent your children to die. What are you talking about? You were "told" and obeyed. Shall I continue? GET IT NOW?

  10. 1:53

    I never did anything the government told me.

    Get it?

    We Christians are the first rebels in THIS world.

    Study your history before you go spouting bullcrap.

  11. 3:50 - I just lost 2 minutes of my life reading comments - I'll never get this time back and it was spent foolishly.

  12. Of course our elected officials know we are in a hopeless financial situation, but guess what? Most of them "may" be out of office and on their huge retirements before the SHTF. Remember I said "may be out". No guarantees on that. At any rate, there is a chance they can simply pass the meltdown on to their successors. If your a salesman, and your retiring next month, who cares what your sales figures will look like then? Same principle. A few American citizens are beginning to come around. Not too many yet. I asked my neighbor what he thought about a few things last week, and he gave me blank stares as I brought up this and that. He states he just does not have time or interest to watch the news, read anything on line, or worry about much besides making his living. He actually did not know about the hub-bub at the town hall meetings, and knew even less than that about the Swine-Flu fiascos. BTW: my neighbor has a job that may not last much longer, a house he can't afford even if his job holds, a new big truck he can't afford, a couple or three more cars, and two new expensive motorcycles, all owned between him and the finance company. This is a guy who has "no time" to listen to the news---good luck Mr Neighbor!!!!

  13. Fuck, you guys are stupid if you think our political leaders are all that bright. Ignorant and incompetent is more like it. But, they are motivated socialites who know how to get certain things done. Like working for the establishment and "getting their's".

    In essence, the only conspiracy at work here is government. Those who unquestionably give their lives over to be ruled deserve to be ruled however seen fit. And that is what happens in the modern world, regardless of whether you *understand this fact* or not and see it as just one big conspiracy to force you into Satan's arms. It's rather easy to see everything around you as a mechanism of control. But doing so gives into paranoia, and worse, lack of understanding.

  14. There is no lack of understanding in the distinctly Christian view that Satan is our direct enemy, waging war directly against us in particular. He fears that lake of fire dontcha know.

    Not to mention how he hates mankind in general for being incarnations of the Divine in 'flawed' form as that asshole put it.

  15. Anyone see my remote...

  16. This blog gets worse and worse. I appreciate that the author accumulates most of the links he does, but the paranoid gun-toting comments are just silly. I don't see any reason to donate to that.


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